Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Top 5: The Most Overrated People in Hollywood

Ta-da! Brand spankin' new post time. I've come up with three - yes, three - regular features I'll be adding to my blog, and this is one of them: Top 5. Not original, perhaps, but it's a fun way to kill some time. The very first T5 list got it...the celebrities who annoy me the most.

5. Zac Efron

Now, don't get me wrong. I don't hate him or have anything particularly against him. I even have some level of respect for him, as he seems to have a good head on his shoulders. Maybe because I'm not 14 anymore, but I just don't quite understand why he has so much hype surrounding him. He's cute-ish (though not my type) and moderately talented. I just don't get it. Maybe once he steps out of the Disney spotlight for good, then I'll understand it. All that being said, I wish him the best of luck in his career.

4. Jon & Kate Plus 8

I really, really can't stand the Gosselins. I think exploiting their children for money is absolutely disgusting, and I have no respect for either of them in the slightest. Jon seems like a douchebag, and Kate is no better. I can't imagine how difficult it must be to have 8 young children, but I really don't like how she's pretending to be doing it on her own. She has a lot of money and I'm guessing more than one nanny. Both Jon and Kate are, essentially, using their children to squeeze their precious and hopefully soon-to-be-over 15 minutes of fame dry. Kate claims to be "all about the children," but there is so much evidence to the contrary. Plus, she's such a witch. I've seen all of 2 episodes, maybe, of their show, but both times she acted so terribly to her kids. In one episode, Kate said something about the paparazzi, and one of her sons, quite reasonably, asked "What's a paparazzi?" and Kate went ballastic. She said, in a snarly, raised voice, "Don't ever say that word again!!" Um, Kate? I'm no parent, but I have worked with children before. I played by the rule of If I didn't want the kids to repeat a word I say, I don't say it in front of them. Plain and simple.

I serioulsy can't wait for people to stop caring about the Gosselins. I'm tired of hearing about what a douche Jon is and tired of Kate's whining (and terrible haircut. Sorry, Kate. but please. Whoever told you that looked good needs to get fired ASAP). I feel so sorry for their poor children. They seem really cute, but man, all I can think of is how much their therapists are going to make off of this family.

3. Robert Pattinson

Anyone who may be reading this blog probably won't be surprised by this choice. And no, it's not because I HATE Twilight with a fiery, burning passion. It's because again, I just don't see why every tweenage girl goes apeshit over R-Patz. I know, I know, they think he's Edward Cullen. But I fail to see how people find this guy genuinely attractive. Now, I don't think he's ugly at all. He's kinda good-looking, but there is the minor fact that he seems to be against bathing - or at the very least, washing his hair. And really, that's just nasty. I can't really comment on his acting, because I've only ever seen him in Twilight and Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. By the way, world, he was so much better in the latter. I feel really sorry for him, actually, because I doubt he had any idea how huge the Twilight craze is. Not only does he have insane girls of all ages doing anything they can to look at him, but he has to play one of the weakest, wimpiest and overall most terrible characters ever created. Poor thing. I hope he hasn't killed his career by taking on this project, for his sake. That said, I'm so tired of hearing about him and seeing his face on every piece of Twilight merchandise imagineable. (Like this. Fuck, that must be terrifying when you're trying to pee. And can you imagine coming into the bathroom in the middle of the night and find that staring you in the face? I wouldn't be able to get back to sleep, but maybe that's just me.)

2. Taylor Swift

Okay, I feel like some sort of monster for ragging on this girl. I mean, she's cute (in a unique way), she's classy, she writes age-appropriate songs and her music is pretty catchy. So what's not to like? Well, maybe it's because I'm not a fan of country music (or "country," as Taylor Swift isn't really country. She's Shania Twain/Carrie Underwood country). Or maybe it's because her songs all kind of sound the same. Or maybe because her songs all seem to be about her being some wretched outcast in love with some amazing guy, and if only he would see how awesome she is! See, totally age-appropriate, which I can't stress enough how much of a nice breath of fresh air that is. She knows how to play to her audience, that's for sure, because I think most girls go through that experience at least once at some point of their lives. But there's just some that feels a little dishonest about it. I have a hard time believing that Taylor has been in that position. She dated a Jonas brother, for crying out loud! She's certainly likeable, and I have a lot of respect for her. I just don't think her music is that good.

And the most overrated person in Hollywood is....

1. Lady Gaga

I don't even know where to begin, but I'll try. First off, her music. Her songs are really fun and I have a great time dancing to them at clubs. I'll give her that. But like T-Swizzle, Lady Gaga's songs start to sound the same after a while. The chours of her latest single, Bad Romance, sounds like a combination of Just Dance and Poker Face, and the song itself isn't that good. Like a lot of her songs, it's just a catchy chorus with a lot of nonsensical words thrown in here and there to make it seem like the song is edgy and different ("Roma-roma-ma! Gaga-ooh-la-la!" What the fuck does that even mean?). Most of her songs just don't make sense, period.

Then there's the character of Lady Gaga herself. I really, really don't have respect for people who are so depserate for attention that they do anything to do it. Lady Gaga isn't much better than any of those reality show whores who, er, whore themselves around just so people will look at them. The only difference is that Lady Gaga has an actual, marketable skill (well, talent. She's a decent singer, much to my surprise). The way she dresses screams "LOOK AT ME! SOMEBODY LOOK AT ME PLEASE!!!" but people cut her some slack because she dresses like a freak instead of a cheap hooker. (Well, during her "I'm too good to wear pants/skirts" phase, she looked like both.)

And finally, there's the fact that she's over-satiated the music charts. People think she's the next Madonna or will have some sort of legendary career. Maybe she will, but what many haven't considered is that ever since Just Dance hit it big, she's never gone away. Having a bunch of hit singles doesn't automatically mean you're going to be huge for the rest of your career - especially when they've all been released within about a year. She's striking while the iron's hot, and I won't fault her for that. If she's able to stand the test of time, more power to her, but calling her the next Madonna is premature.

And there you have it! Hope you enjoyed my first Top 5. I had fun doing it!

Thursday, October 22, 2009


So. It’s been a while since I updated this thing. For good reason, too. I won’t get into much detail, but in the last month I’ve undergone a LOT of changes in my personal life – a big move, a break-up, and as you all know, the death of my beloved 20-year-old cat, Clara. Needless to say, I’ve been busy.

I thought it was time to get back to it, though. I’ve had my reservations, since it’s hard to post again after detailing the heartbreaking death of your family pet. It seemed wrong to update with something frivolous. So for now, all I’m doing is a housekeeping update, which seems like a fair compromise. (Level of frivolity in this post is up for debate.)

I have an idea for a new feature of my blog, which I’ll get to. Stay tuned, because it’s going to be fun! Look for that soon.