Sunday, March 4, 2012

Hey Linds! Some advice for ya...

Last night, Lindsay Lohan hosted SNL for the first time since 2006. After being out of the spotlight (not the tabloids, but the spotlight) for a few years now, this was supposed to be her "big comeback."

Was it?

In a few words: uhhh...not really.

She wasn't awful, but she wasn't great. Her reliance on the cue cards was distracting, sometimes almost embarassing. She was clearly out of her element and seemed a little rusty on her delivery. It wasn't the trainwreck most people were expecting (maybe hoping?) to see, but it wasn't a triumph, either. It was, however, a step in the right direction for her.

At this point, I don't honestly know if she can ever have a successful comeback. Hollywood - and modern society, really - can be so fickle, it's hard to tell who or what will be popular one moment before being hated the next. But I have some competely unsolicited, unprofessional advice for her to get this comeback she so desperately wants.

In the long run:

*Get sober. No, seriously. Get sober for real, for life. She claims she is, but let's face it - she can be a bit of a BS-er. She really needs to lay off the drugs and alcohol to stay alive and move forward with her life.

**Actually, to that point - admit she has a problem, then get sober. She has categorically denied she has a problem, but come on.

***Get some perspective and learn humility. She got lucky so many times, and it hasn't done her any favours. If she truly understood that she did get lucky, that she got more chances than she deserved and that it could have been overall much worse for her, I think she could win people over a lot more than she has. She'd come across as more genuinely trying to clean up her act and take things seriously than she currently is. For instance, instead of saying she did a great job on SNL, she could have said something like "Thanks for watching, I had such a blast doing SNL, hope everyone enjoyed it!" or something similar.

Short term...

*Enough with the "enhancements." She's a year or two younger than me but looks much, much older. It's not becoming.

**Ditch the blonde, go back to being a redhead or even a brunette. The blonde just washes her out and is so fake.

***Gain the industry's trust back by taking on small roles, like TV guest star spots. Preferrably in a primetime drama. A more serious role without too much responisbility would allow people to take her more seriously, not put too much pressure on her while allowing her to do her best and demonstrate that she can behave professionally.

In the end, it's all up to her. Sure, the audience has to forgive & forget her misdoings, but she has to give us a reason to do so.