Monday, November 26, 2012

Cory & Topanga are back!

It's official - Cory & Topanga are back! Ben Savage and Danielle Fishel have confirmed they will be a part of the Boy Meets World spinoff, Girl Meets World.

Any doubts I've had have been cleared up by Danielle's sweet tumblr post. It makes me happy to know that she and the others involved in BMW care so deeply about the show and only want to make GMW just as good.

As for other returnees? That's still up in the air, although something tells me we won't be seeing too many familiar faces. Characters I'd love to see return:

  • Shawn. A no-brainer for obvious reasons. While I'd love for him to be a series regular, I've heard Rider Strong isn't too interested in reprising the role.
  • Eric. Again, for obvious reasons. Will Friedle has had a lot of success as a voice-over actor and I've heard he's not too keen on doing much "regular" acting anymore.
  • Mr. Feeny. The incredible William Daniels has been acting again recently, having just done a stint on Grey's Anatomy (spoiler alert: he dies. I literally cannot watch him dying because it's too upsetting for me to see Mr. Feeny drop dead). I'm not entirely sure how his character would really work on the show other than a guest spot, I would actually cry tears of joy if he popped up, even for a minte, in an episode.
  • Jack. Duh, I was only in love with his character. The problem is, his character on its own doesn't make a lot of sense, so he'd have to be there with Eric or even Rachel.
  • Minkus! How freaking hilarious would it be if MINKUS was also a teacher and also Cory's foil? Extremely, that's how!
If nothing else, I would love to see a mini-reunion in the pilot, like they did with Degrassi: The Next Generation. Even if it's just for the one episode to get people to watch, it would be a tiny bit magical to see these guys back together.

Make it happen, Disney!

Also, coming soon: a brand new recap!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Boy Meets World: The Sequel

     So as everyone probably knows by know, there's talk of Boy Meets World 2: Girl Meets World. Even better is that they would like Ben and Danielle to reprise their roles as Cory and Topanga.

     The big BMW nerd in me is all squeee! about the possibility of Boy Meets World coming back (in a different way) and touching a newer, younger generation. But the other part in me is hesitant. This won't be a BMW reunion, as it seems only Ben and Danielle would be a part of it. And what's a BMW without Eric, Shawn, Mr. Feeny and the rest? Even if it's not a true BMW reunion, anything Cory and Topanga without the others would feel wrong.

     (Although really, ABC/Disney could really cash in on making a BMW reunion - even if it's just a premiere episode special. Guarantee every person who grew up watching the original would tune in for that.)

     Still, overall I'm on the fence. I think it's a great idea, but they need to do the original series justice. I'm interested in seeing what they do and where they plan on going with this - whether it'll be a reboot in reverese, or whether it'll stand on its own legs.

     More updates as they become available!