Sunday, December 7, 2008

The great 2008 pop culture round-up

A round-up of things I didn't get in 2008's pop culture...

1. Books: Twilight, obviously. I read the books and saw the movie, but I don't get the fuss over them. See previous posts.

2. Music: In first place, Katy Perry's I Kissed a Girl. At first, it was a silly song, but then it was EVERYWHERE. After hearing it 7329 times in one summer, it really started to grate on my nerves. And really, it's not that great of a song. It just gives skanky girls an excuse to kiss each other at the bar to get attention. So...yeah. Shame on you, Katy Perry, for enabling skanks.

Honourable Mention: The Jonas Brothers. They're cute kids and all, but their music? Terrible.

3. Television: The Hills. Seriously, what the heck is this crap? Why do people watch it? And why do the "stars" of the show consider themselves to be celebrities? 'Cause they're not.

4. Celebrities: Miley Cyrus. Yuck. She's everywhere. And I'm getting tired of seeing her half-naked in her camera phone pictures. For reals, though, this girl isn't talented, attractive or likeable. Step aside and let the adorable Selena Gomez take the spotlight.

HM: Brangelina. I don't care about these people or the 203 kids they've adopted. I appreciate the good they do in the world, but enough is enough. We hear more about their kids than we do about their movies.

5. Fashion: Actually, I can't complain too much, since 2008 was a good year for fashion. Except the possibility of florals becoming popular. NO! Why people think it's attractive to walk around in a dress that looks like it was made from your grandmother's sofa, I'll never know.

And there you have it.

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