Saturday, January 31, 2009

Just a note

I was totally going to do a best and worst dressed from the SAG awards, but to be honest, nothing really caught my eye. It wasn't really worth my time, in all honesty, since I wasn't too wild about any of the dresses.

And also, I should mention that I plan on just sticking to the ladies for the bests and worsts. Because in all honesty, men usually can't go wrong when they dress up. Tuxes pretty much look the same. So unless a dude goes totally crazy and ends up on my worst dressed list, just assume that the men all looked smashing. I guess it's a double standard, but it's not my fault that men look the same in their tuxes. Although this has inspired me to do a Sexiest Men Alive post. So look for that in the future.

Speaking of sexy men, I watched 10 Things I Hate About You for the first time since Heath died. I forgot how much I simply love that movie. My favourite scene is and always will be when Heath sings. It melts my heart every single time I watch it, and I've seen it at least 30 times. It doesn't get old.

Edit to add: look how pretty! This fun site, polyvore, lets you make fashion sets. This is my first one, and I thought I'd include it here because...well, this is something of a question mark of an entry, so why not?

First Set
First Set - by littlelatte on

I LOVE that dress. I paired it with simple accessories, since that's my thing. Have a gorgeous centrepiece (the dress), and add little decorations that look nice but won't take away from the main attraction. And, black heels are always sexy. The necklace is black and white diamonds, so everything goes with everything else. I also really like pairing silver metallic with that shade of teal. Gorgeous. In my opinion, that is.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

You've got mail!

This will probably be one of those non-sensical entries. Oh, and this was inspired by a visit to

So, there's a couple of Internet-related things I don't like.

1. Stupid Crap on Youtube: This pretty much speaks for itself. Since the Legally Blonde videos I've posted have been taken down, I've been looking for suitable alternatives. Youtube has been cracking down on the whole legal thing, because it seems like all the good stuff is gone. Pretty much all I can find is people singing the song (Legally Blonde) in front of their webcams. Which...all right. Sure. I'm sure that if I was able to sing and not sound like an angry alley cat, I'd at some point record myself on camera singing. But I don't think that I'd post it on the internet. It's kind of weird.

Also, there's people who post really random and stupid crap. Crap that I sometimes watch, and when I do, I ask myself - why?? Although I'm inspired to do a "Best of the Worst" Showcase, whenever I find a stupid (truly stupid) video, I should post it here.

2. The online dating thing. I signed up for a site a few years ago, because it has awesome and addictive quizzies and the only way to do them is to sign up for the site. I'm actually not completely against online dating. It's not something I would exactly want to do, but if the right person came along, I wouldn't shun it. A very close friend of mine (you might call her my best friend, but I don't know, and that's another story) met her boyfriend online and they've been dating for years. True, they have a horrendus relationship, but I don't think that has anything to do with meeting online.

My issue is the messages I get from some of the people (men) on the site. It's usually one of the following three:

a) Nice sounding guy...who is almost old enough to be my father. EWWWWWW. I'm 23, and get squiked out by people 29+ who send me messages. 28 is my limit. 29 is beyond my mature-capacity right now. Not that 29 is old enough to be my father, of course. I may suck at math, but I'm not that stupid. However, I have gotten the occasional message from 45 year-old men and I am so tempted to write back and ask if they honestly think that a 23-year-old girl would be interested in a man that age? But that would be mean, so I don't. Though I should; I really do need to get my point across.

b) Something along the lines of, "hey how r u u sound kewl ttyl." The last message I got actually said "how ar you". That's an exact transcript. I'm sorry, but if you're trying to get me to notice you, try forming actual sentences and avoiding internet-speak. I "lol" probably more than I should, but that's it. I ignore all messages that aren't worded in actual sentences, are void of punctuation, and are generally incoherent. I'm not being harsh; at least, I don't think I am. But take a look at my profile, and tell me if I come across as the "how r u?" type of girl. That kind of thing is a real deal-breaker.

c) Another transcript: "u are definatey cute hot :)"
Anytime I get a message that involves saying stuff like that - calling me hot/sexy/beautiful/cute, etc. - I ignore. Don't get me wrong, if it's somewhere in the message, that's fine. But if that's all the message consists of, then...thanks, but no thanks. I'm not interested. The guys who do that always come off as sleazy, desperate, and only wanting to contact me in hopes of hooking up with me. I get enough of that crap in real life, so please, pervos of the Internet world, stop trying.

Two more things - I also don't like it when I get a message from someone who has obviously copied and pasted the message to a bunch of girls in hopes of getting a reply. I've had several messages like that, where the sender makes no reference to my profile whatsoever, never addresses me by name, and has some cheesy line like "You seem interesting/cool, I'd like to get to know you." I ignore those, too. If you can't take the time to actually read my profile or even personalize the message (these types of messages can usually be found with a subject line of "hello" or "hi"), then I won't take the time to reply.

Also, I met a guy online. He seems like a good guy, but I'm just not interested. He's not my type, for one thing, and I'm just...not interested. Like I said, the online dating thing isn't really for me - especially when the guy would be long distance. I mentioned in my profile that I'm only looking for friendship and penpals, but he's made a couple of passes at me. He's "wooed" me, and he asked me for coffee in the last message. I politely said thanks, but no thanks. I didn't say I'm not interested, since that seems a bit mean, but I did say that I don't live in the city full-time anymore, so it wouldn't be possible. I haven't heard from him since. That's too bad, since I like talking to him. It kind of sucks that he doesn't want to talk to me just because I don't want to date him. I made it perfectly clear that I'm not looking for love, and he chose to ignore that, so it's not my fault. I never gave him any indication that I was interested romantically in him. Why can't we just be friends?

Ah, the age-old question - can men and women really be just friends? It seems that in my case, the answer is NO. A lot of my guy friends have liked me. Not all, but a lot. It's so awkward. Seriously, what's so wrong about being just friends?

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Congrats - and Rest in Peace

Congratulations to Heath Ledger on his Oscar nom! It was well-deserved. I believe we'd still be celebrating that even if he were still with us today.
Speaking of which, today marks the one-year anniverary of his death. It still makes me sad to think about it - I first fell in love with him in 10 Things I Hate About You, and have been a big fan of his since then.
Congratulations, Heath, but rest in peace. We still miss you!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Mr. President

History was made at noon - Barack Hussain Obama became the 44th president of the United States, and the first African-American president ever. Duh, right? How can you not know that? But, still, it's a big deal. I'm Canadian, but even I was anxious to tune in. And even though I'm a white, spoiled, rich Canadian, I found the ordeal - and his speech - moving. It's just such a wonderful moment in history. I like how Mr. Obama is extending the olive branch to the world in general, pretty much. Time has come today.

Fun fact: Barack is a lefty! Woo-hoo! High fives, I am too!

I'm looking forward to his presidency. I wish him well. It's about time there was a world leader everyone can look up to. He's attractive, well-spoken, very well educated - and generally is someone you can put your trust into. Plus, he danced on the Ellen DeGeneres show and appointed George Clooney the Ambassador to the Ellen DeGeneres show - how cute and down-to-earth is that? (And you can't help but love Michelle and the girls - all are too cute, and Michelle seems like a lovely, classy lady. That's always a good sign!)

In other news, I'm completely addicted to Cake Mania, this fun but silly game. Try it, but just make sure that nothing else needs to be done before you start, since it won't get done. I need to buy this game!!!! I considered buying the download, but I want to have a hard copy in case I want to install it again. Unfortunately I can only find it for $20. I've seen it at Wal-Mart for, like, $10 so many times - ugh, why didn't I buy it?!! When I go home this weekend I'll have to keep my eye out for it.

Anyway, that's pretty much it. I'm still waiting for word on our Afton tribute - more about that when I get the deets.

Enjoy the day, everyone.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Good News

After what has been a difficult week, I thought I'd post something exciting:

They're making a Veronica Mars movie!!!
Veronica has always been one of my absolute favourite shows, so I'm pleased.

Also, I got 87 and 84 in my human sexuality and psychology of education classes, respectively. Yay for me! And I'm going home next weekend, which will be a nice change of pace for a few days. Oh, and I just made cupcakes. Chocolate cupcakes - mmm.

So, maybe things will start looking up. Here's hoping.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Because I knew you, I have been changed for good: Tribute to Aln

In May 2007, I joined a BSC forum. My obession with the BSC began in childhood, but sometime during the 2007 school year I rekindled my love affair with the books. I found Claudia's Room, which furthered my rediscovered obession. Eventually, I stumbled upon the BSC proboards.

I hesitated at first, since I'm not a huge fan of forums. Take a look at the IMDB boards, and you'll often see the very worst of humankind. (Such as one heartless poster who said, a day after the brutual slayings of Jennifer Hudson's family members, that the victims would have lived if Jennifer's weight hadn't slowed her down in order to get help. Sickening.) Not only that, but I tend to lose steam after 50 or so posts. I joined the Fan Forum to discuss That '70s Show while it was still in production (i.e., joined to read spoilers), and it took me a couple of years to reach 100 posts. But, the BSC board was too tempting to resist, so I joined.

While all (well...almost all, and anyone from the boards reading this will know who I'm talking about) of the members have been great, one stood out from the rest: aln1982. I immediately saw her as the "fearless leader" of the boards. Mainly because she had the most posts, but she had a definite leadership about her. She was never pushy or bossy, though. It's sort of hard to describe it - she just had the air of authority, but in the best possible way. In the way that makes you listen and trust their opinions, even if you don't always agree.

What really struck me about aln, though, was that she was always so kind. She tried her best to not offend anyone, but she didn't agree with everyone else just for the sake of getting along. When she had a differing opinion, she let it be known - graciously and respectfully. Plus, by reading her posts, I felt like I was getting a good insight as to who she really was. A common theme I noticed with her was love. She truly loved the series. She also loved her parents, made evident by the many stories she told of them. (They always made me smile, since they were always very sweet.) She also really loved horses, history and Disney. Like I said, love was the undertone in so many of her posts, and I really admired that about her.

While reading this, you may have noticed the use of past tense when talking about aln. For those who don't already know, aln (whose real name is Afton) passed away a few days ago in her sleep. She was very ill and suffered greatly because of it. Interestingly, you'd probably never know this about her by reading her posts. Looking back on it now, there may have been a few small hints, but for the most part, you couldn't really guess that she was sick. Her posts were always upbeat -she never complained once. Even when she admitted to having a crap day, I never once felt like she was complaining.

The news came as a shock to the entire BSC forum. We knew that she had been ill by this point - several months earlier, she stopped posting. She came on a few times to give us updates, and she told us about her illness and that she was having problems with it. However, a lot of us - me included - were astounded by her passing.

What's especially sad to me is that I was hoping she was on the mend, and that she'd be posting at least semi-regularly again. For a few weeks before her death, she was coming on to the boards and posting here and there. I specifically remember one time, a couple of weeks ago, tops, when I logged on and saw who had been on within the last 24 hours. Aln's name was listed, and I thought Yay, aln's back! I was genuinely happy, since I had been missing her posts.

In a way, it feels weird to grieve for her. On the one hand, I don't really know her at all. We never met. We got along really well on the boards and frequently referred to each other's posts when adding our own thoughts and feelings about something, but that was pretty much it.

Yet I'm sad. I may not have known her incredibly well, but I still cared about her. I cared about her opinions, laughed at her funny stories (especially at how she was getting her dad into the BSC books - how adorable is that?), worried when she disappeared from the boards for a while, and missed her when we found out she was taking time off from the board. As you have seen, I was happy when I thought she was coming back. Aln was the sort of person who cared back. If that isn't friendship, I don't know what is.

I guess I'm having trouble with this, since I've never had an online friend before. But this tragedy has made me realize that yes, aln was my friend. And the others on the board - they're my friends, too. I'm not super close to any of them, but I'd like to change that. Hopefully I can. In any event, I still care about them and would be just as distraught if any of them died.

The only silver lining of aln's death is that the sense of community has been strengthened on our boards. We've really joined together in our grief. We're working together on ways to honour her memory. We've been talking about making donations on her behalf to a charity; one member has started a MySpace tribute to her. I wrote a letter to Ann M. Martin about Aln, posted it on the boards, got an unbelievably wonderful response and may have encouraged others to do the same. We have been writing letters and cards to Aln's parents, sending our sympathies. It makes me feel a bit better to know that something good has come out of this, and that we can do something great to honour our friend.

This has gone on long enough, but I'm not quite done. I'm almost there, I promise.

Aln was a great person. I'm not just saying that because she died, and that's what you say when people die. I'm saying that because it's the truth. I truly believe that she has touched my life. Just talking to her and seeing her strength, graciousness and just pure goodness has been inspiring. I'd love to have even half of the goodness she had inside of her - it's something I am striving for. If I make it - if I get just halfway there, I'll consider myself lucky. To have been in the presence of someone who had so much genuine kindness, compassion and thoughtfulness is something I will never forget. I will always aspire to have these attributes within myself, but lucky for me, I had the best example to look up to, so I should be okay.

Thank you, aln, for being a friend - and a great one at that. I miss you already. I don't think I'll ever be able to think of the BSC without thinking of you, but that's a good thing. It will always remind me of you and your amazing spirit.

I'll leave you with a video of one of my favourite songs of all time. It has always struck chord with me, but even more so since aln's death. Warning, if you're reading this as someone who has also lost aln, it will most likely make you cry. But it speaks the truth, especially for all of us who were inspired by her.

Rest in peace, aln.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Yays & Nays - The Best & Worst Dressed at the 2009 Golden Globes:

In my opinion, these were the best dressed ladies at last night's award show:


1. Eva Longoria Parker: While I'm not generally a fan of the mermaid style dress, Eva looks beautiful. The colour is gorgeous and looks perfect on her. Amid the dark colour scheme of the night, Eva really stood out. She gets my vote for the best dressed of the night.


2. Kate Winslet: The night's big winner looks stunning, as usual. Kate is always classy, and last night was no exception. What else is there to say? Kate is the epitome of elegance.


3. Amanda Seyfried: Amanda doesn't get much recognition even though she was in one of the year's biggest films. And that's a shame, because not only is she talented, but she's gorgeous, too! This dress is pretty, very much something I would love to wear myself. Her hairstyle and simple accessories make the look even more beautiful and fun.

Honourable mentions include Anne Hathaway and Rumer Willis. There were a lot of great looks last night, so it's hard to choose the best, but Eva, Kate and Amanda get my vote!

And for the worst looks...


1. Evan Rachel Wood: I'm just not a fan of the layered, ruffled, flapper look. This dress especially looks weird - she looks kind of like a tree. Plus, smile, sweetheart! We know you're all emo, but do you always have to look so miserable?


2. Renee Zellwegger: Normally she looks great, but damn! What went wrong? Kudos to taking a risk, but this look doesn't fly for me. It reminds of me of when there's a glitch in my Sims games, and you can see their naked un-detailed body parts. Also known has the Barbie boob look. It's distracting and makes her look a little...well, trashy. Sorry, Renee. I'm a fan of yours, but this is hard to forgive. Just dazzle at the Oscars, and I'll forget this ever happened.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Heath Ledger

Heath Ledger just won the Golden Globe for best actor in a supporting role - obviously for the Joker in The Dark Knight. YAY! I was very happy when his name was announced. He received a standing ovation from the room, and director Chris Nolan gave a simple yet eloquent speech on his behalf.

Rest in peace, Heath. You are missed.

The video of Heath winning the much-deserved Golden Globe, and Chris Nolan's lovely acceptance speech.

Friday, January 9, 2009


Love this song. Flightless Bird, American Mouth by Iron & Wine.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

The current obessions

Welcome to CF's first blog of 2009! I know you're all quivering with delight. It's weird to think 2008 is gone and done with. In a way, I'm glad, since parts of 2008 were incredibly shitty. It wasn't all bad, but I did have some rough times. I'm glad to be putting the past behind me and moving on. I could've done that at any time during 2008, I suppose, but having the calendar start over somehow makes it easier. So here's to a happy new year - and better days ahead (I hope).

Two things I'm obsessed with/have been obsessed with for the last little while:

1. Endurance. It's this Survivor rip-off for teens, and yet I love it. The drama is always fun, and in a way, more interesting than with the adults. The kids have a way of nteracting with one another that seems more genuine. Maybe because more is at stake on Survivor; maybe because the kids are more naive. I'm not sure, but it's almost compelling. (Almost. There are moments that make you realize you're watching a bunch of 14 year old kids.) I'm currently on season three, watching the last few episodes. There's this one kid Monroe that I can't stand. He's such a whiny bitch. Yet he was the fan favourite for the season. I can't wrap my head around it - why do people like this guy?!?!

I'm addicted to cheesy shows. I can't help it.

2. Clearwater Crossing. They're these books that were written 10, 11 years ago. It's a teen series, and it has very strong religious themes. Christian, mostly, with a hint of Catholicism and Judaism. This is weird, since I was not raised in a religious household whatsoever. My mom, in fact, is an atheist. I myself am more agnostic, but that's sort of beside the point. I loooved these books when I was a teen, despite my lack of religious beliefs. Sure, the books are user-friendly, in that non-believers would enjoy them. But looking back on it from an adult standpoint, it's still hard to believe I liked the books so much. There are a lot of heavy Christian plots, and pretty much all of the main characters are believers. One is a self-proclaimed athiest, but even so, by the end of the series it's pretty clear she's going to convert. Only one character is agnostic, and she seems to be choosing between the two religions she's grown up with. In the latest book I read, two characters (Leah and Miguel) are presented with the opportunity to have premarital sex. They decide not to, and I have to call bullshit. Leah is the agnostic one, and Miguel is Catholic, whose devotion to God becomes stronger as the series progresses. I call bullshit mainly because Leah decides they should wait for marriage. WHAT?! What the hell kind of 18 year-old is she? And Miguel, for that matter. True, he wants to wait for marriage too, but he also pretty easily swayed into having sex with her (before she decides she doesn't want to). Different strokes and all that...I get it. But it was such a ridiculously contrived plot that made no sense whatsoever. The author should've done the "let's wait until we're married" subplot to Melanie and Jesse. Melanie is the atheist and Jesse is somewhat agnostic but mainly believes in God. The message would've been stronger if the characters weren't so devout, but whatever.

Also, Peter and Jenna are a couple, and at the end of the series, his brother marries her sister...and they remain a couple! EWWWW! I know they're not related by blood by any means, but there's still an ick factor. I guess that would make them...cousins? I'm not sure how far the in-law thing reaches, but either way it's still a bit gross. Weirder still because I don't think they ever mentioned it. If I was dating a guy whose brother married my sister, I don't know if I would be able to get my head around it.

I really do like the books, though. I tend to skip over the parts with the church sermons, but other than that, they're still fun. I wish I could find more of them. There's 20 in the series (and I have them all) but I can't find about half of them. I want to order one off the internet, since I haven't seen that one since before I graduated high school. (More than six years, holy shit!) It would only cost a couple of bucks, which is worth it if I can avoid going in our basement to look for it. So woot! I'll keep you posted.
As you may have noticed, I posted a picture of the Clearwater Crossing gang. I'm pretty sure that the girl on the left (Nicole in the series) ended up in porn. Don't ask me how I know this.