Saturday, January 24, 2009

You've got mail!

This will probably be one of those non-sensical entries. Oh, and this was inspired by a visit to

So, there's a couple of Internet-related things I don't like.

1. Stupid Crap on Youtube: This pretty much speaks for itself. Since the Legally Blonde videos I've posted have been taken down, I've been looking for suitable alternatives. Youtube has been cracking down on the whole legal thing, because it seems like all the good stuff is gone. Pretty much all I can find is people singing the song (Legally Blonde) in front of their webcams. Which...all right. Sure. I'm sure that if I was able to sing and not sound like an angry alley cat, I'd at some point record myself on camera singing. But I don't think that I'd post it on the internet. It's kind of weird.

Also, there's people who post really random and stupid crap. Crap that I sometimes watch, and when I do, I ask myself - why?? Although I'm inspired to do a "Best of the Worst" Showcase, whenever I find a stupid (truly stupid) video, I should post it here.

2. The online dating thing. I signed up for a site a few years ago, because it has awesome and addictive quizzies and the only way to do them is to sign up for the site. I'm actually not completely against online dating. It's not something I would exactly want to do, but if the right person came along, I wouldn't shun it. A very close friend of mine (you might call her my best friend, but I don't know, and that's another story) met her boyfriend online and they've been dating for years. True, they have a horrendus relationship, but I don't think that has anything to do with meeting online.

My issue is the messages I get from some of the people (men) on the site. It's usually one of the following three:

a) Nice sounding guy...who is almost old enough to be my father. EWWWWWW. I'm 23, and get squiked out by people 29+ who send me messages. 28 is my limit. 29 is beyond my mature-capacity right now. Not that 29 is old enough to be my father, of course. I may suck at math, but I'm not that stupid. However, I have gotten the occasional message from 45 year-old men and I am so tempted to write back and ask if they honestly think that a 23-year-old girl would be interested in a man that age? But that would be mean, so I don't. Though I should; I really do need to get my point across.

b) Something along the lines of, "hey how r u u sound kewl ttyl." The last message I got actually said "how ar you". That's an exact transcript. I'm sorry, but if you're trying to get me to notice you, try forming actual sentences and avoiding internet-speak. I "lol" probably more than I should, but that's it. I ignore all messages that aren't worded in actual sentences, are void of punctuation, and are generally incoherent. I'm not being harsh; at least, I don't think I am. But take a look at my profile, and tell me if I come across as the "how r u?" type of girl. That kind of thing is a real deal-breaker.

c) Another transcript: "u are definatey cute hot :)"
Anytime I get a message that involves saying stuff like that - calling me hot/sexy/beautiful/cute, etc. - I ignore. Don't get me wrong, if it's somewhere in the message, that's fine. But if that's all the message consists of, then...thanks, but no thanks. I'm not interested. The guys who do that always come off as sleazy, desperate, and only wanting to contact me in hopes of hooking up with me. I get enough of that crap in real life, so please, pervos of the Internet world, stop trying.

Two more things - I also don't like it when I get a message from someone who has obviously copied and pasted the message to a bunch of girls in hopes of getting a reply. I've had several messages like that, where the sender makes no reference to my profile whatsoever, never addresses me by name, and has some cheesy line like "You seem interesting/cool, I'd like to get to know you." I ignore those, too. If you can't take the time to actually read my profile or even personalize the message (these types of messages can usually be found with a subject line of "hello" or "hi"), then I won't take the time to reply.

Also, I met a guy online. He seems like a good guy, but I'm just not interested. He's not my type, for one thing, and I'm just...not interested. Like I said, the online dating thing isn't really for me - especially when the guy would be long distance. I mentioned in my profile that I'm only looking for friendship and penpals, but he's made a couple of passes at me. He's "wooed" me, and he asked me for coffee in the last message. I politely said thanks, but no thanks. I didn't say I'm not interested, since that seems a bit mean, but I did say that I don't live in the city full-time anymore, so it wouldn't be possible. I haven't heard from him since. That's too bad, since I like talking to him. It kind of sucks that he doesn't want to talk to me just because I don't want to date him. I made it perfectly clear that I'm not looking for love, and he chose to ignore that, so it's not my fault. I never gave him any indication that I was interested romantically in him. Why can't we just be friends?

Ah, the age-old question - can men and women really be just friends? It seems that in my case, the answer is NO. A lot of my guy friends have liked me. Not all, but a lot. It's so awkward. Seriously, what's so wrong about being just friends?

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