Sunday, March 15, 2009

Bring on the lulz!

I find this higly amusing:


Gotta love how Kristen Stewart's face is half-covered in the shadows. R-Patz's face kind of is, too, but for some reason, it has a completely different effect. He looks mysterious, while she looks like the art director wanted to hide her as much as possible. I guess to draw the attention on Edward. Also, why does Stewart look like a tweleve-year-old girl? And how come the she looks like a photograph, but he looks like a drawing?

Why do they re-do movie artwork for the DVD release, especially when the original movie poster is so much better?

These are things that keep me up at night, folks.

My friends are having a Twilight DVD release party. I was not invited. Partly because I won't be in town the weekend of said party, but most likely because they know I'm not a fan. Unfair! I liked the movie, albeit for reasons I'm sure that were unintentional on behalf of the creative team. It's quite entertaining in a cheesy, accidentally hilarious kind of way. I'm pretty sure that my Twifriends would take offenses to this, so I'm not surprised an invite didn't come my way.

I really want to invent a Twilight drinking game. Now that would make the movie worth watching!

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