Friday, April 24, 2009

All You Need is Love. Right?

First of all, this is SOTL's 60th post, so hooray for that! In order to celebrate the occasion, I'm kicking it up a notch and blogging about something more serious: gay marriage.

This has been a hot topic in the media recently, when Miss California stated she believed marriage should be between a man and a woman during the Miss America pageant. She was met by a chorus of boos, and since then, has been the source of debate since.

I'm having trouble with this, since I believe in honesty and free speech. Miss California was completely truthful in her answer, and for that, I should respect her. As much as I disagree with her beliefs, she has every right to express them. Many are talking about stripping her of the crown, which is taking it a step far.

However, I can't help but feel shocked and saddened by her opinions. In an era where so much progress has been made - for instance, America voting in a black man as their president - anti-gay movements are far too common. As it stands, only four states (Connecticut, Vermont, Iowa and Massachusetts) recognize gay marriage in America, two of which only legalized it in 2009. Considering how America is supposedly the land of the free, this is dismal.

I'm proud that my country (Canada) recognizes gay marriage. I really wish Stephen Harper would leave it alone. I may be biased, since I vote Liberal, but I stand by Paul Martin's inital decision to legalize gay marriage. His own personal beliefs did not support it, but Mr. Martin had the initative to recognize that religion has no place in politics, and that banning gay marriage goes against the rights and freedoms of our citizens. I wish world leaders had this same mindset.

Love is love. Why does it matter who is marrying whom when they're in love? Does it really make that much of a difference if it's a man marrying a woman or a man marrying a man? I personally don't think so, and that some think it does matter is almost laughable. I know it's a serious matter, but to think that people are so close-minded and prejudiced to put a limit on love,'s almost too ridiculous to comprehend.

America, you need to shape up. You're doing a poor job at being the "leader of the free world."

your friendly neighbour to the north.

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