Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Take the leap

For the past month or so, I’ve become completely addicted to How I Met Your Mother. I was unemployed and bored, and having already seen a couple of random season three episodes, I decided to back it up and start from the beginning. I was instantly hooked.

One thing that really kept me going was the Barney-Robin pairing. I knew they hooked up, since one of the random episodes I saw was the one where they sleep together. I instantly fell in love with the pairing (NPH was a big factor in that, I must say). Watching Barney fall and then pine for Robin was fun and full of squee! moments.

And then I saw The Leap, the season four finale.

I have to admit, with some degree of embarassment, that I haven’t been that moved by a sitcom in, well, ages. I watch a lot of tear-jerking dramas (Grey’s Anatomy comes to the episode with Dr. Bailey holding a six year old girl as she is dying and her father can’t stand to watch it happen...hoo boy!), so heart-wrenching and awe-inspiring scenes are something I come by often. But that last scene, with the gang jumping across the gap to the next door’s rooftop...I can’t explain it, but I was profoundly moved by it.

I loved the way Barney immediately made the leap after Robin did, after making sure she was all right. And the look that they shared before he jumped? I’m completely in love with them. (Like I wasn’t before!) I honestly haven’t been this excited for a new couple in a long, long time.
The Barney-Robin moment was fantastic, but the rest of scene was pretty incredible, too. The song, Prophets, has been downloaded and played on my computer 45 times - and I downloaded it less than a month ago – really added to the moment. And Ted reflecting on his year, and ending the episode with the suggestion that meeting The Mother isn’t that far off anymore? Genius. I really can’t wait for the season premiere – well for the entire season, actually.

And can I just say that I think Bob Saget is the unsung hero of the series? I love that he’s the narrator. He has a very soothing voice that fits quite well with Josh Radnor’s. Maybe this is just me being a Full House fan, but I think it’s high time Bob gets some kudos. Snaps for Bob!

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