Sunday, November 30, 2008

There's someone I've been missing...

This song is perfection. The lines "There's someone I've been missing/I think that they could be/the better half of me" makes me cry each time I hear them. I've been in that situation before. Well, truthfully, I'm in that situation right now. Those lines really hit home.

Gorgeous, lovely, perfect song. One of my favourites.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Twilight: The Movie

Yesterday was the Big Day for Twilight fans around the world. Their dreams had come true - Twilight, in movie form! As you may or may not know, I'm an iffy fan of the series. The books were like crack to me at first, then I realized they were absolute crap and I developed a dislike for them. Tonight, I saw the movie. I went in, expecting to enjoy it without being absolutely in love with it.

I got exactly what I was expecting. As far as the movie goes, it was entertaining and well-made. The acting was quite excellent, although sometimes Robert Pattinson's accent broke through and was a bit distracting. I can't fault him, though. Speaking in an accent unlike your own is hard, and he's relatively new to acting. I predict he will improve with time and experience.

The movie really captured the essence of the book - and in my opinion, all of its faults. I can't and won't ever get past Bella Swan. Kristen Stewart did a good job playing the part, but I still hate the character. She comes across as this whiney, needy, naive girl who loses a sense of self because a cute boy shows interest in her. The scene of Edward and Bella in the woods, when she tells him she knows he's a vampire, was downright awful. Not acting wise, but just...ugh. She proceeds to tell him that she's only afraid of losing him. Get a grip, woman. You've known him, what? A couple of weeks? How many times have you actually spoken to him? What do you really know about him? And how can you value your life so little that you don't give a shit that you're alone with a very dangerous "monster," so long as you can be around the cute boy? Those are the things that annoyed the eff out of me in the books (and it gets worse, sigh) and they were most certainly present in the movie.

Overall, it was an enjoyable movie. A bit too much angsting and not enough action (and I'm not that into action movies), so it dragged a bit at times. And the "bad guys" were unbelievably cheesy and awful. They're one-dimensional characters in the books, and somehow make it worse for the movie. Maybe it was the acting (sorry, but James's acting left a lot to be desired) or the ridiculous, thug/gangsta wardrobe that is trying so desperately to scream "I'm badass!" but it completely brought on the lolz. A lot of the movie did, but I think the "bad guys" were the number one lolz-inducing. Though Sparkly!Edward comes as a close second. The first time they showed Sparkly!Edward was bad, but the second time - I had to suppress giggles. Maybe because they were being so damn emo and he's sitting there, sparkling like a glitter pen.

I give this movie an A-. Good acting, good moviemaking. Slightly lame special effects, several unintentional lolz moments, and the atrocious character that is Bella Swan aside, it's a fun evening at the movies.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Some girls were just meant to smile

Edit: The original video has been taken down - sob - so here is a different version with the amazing Laura Bell Bundy, who was the original Elle.

This is my new obession:

Bailey Hanks as Elle Woods, singing "Legally Blonde" from the musical...uh, Legally Blonde (if you hadn't figured it out already). I am just so in love with this song. Bailey's singing perfomance is great, but her acting is quite up to par. She's a newbie to Broadway, though, so I'll let it slide.

Why am I so in love with the song? I'm not sure, actually. But I think that we can all relate to it, at some point in our lives. When we let ourselves down, when our dreams are crushed, when we give up hope. The lyrics "Some girls fight hard/some face the trial/some girls were just meant to smile" completely break my heart. I've felt like that in the past, where all I was good for was looking pretty (and even then I wasn't sure I was doing a good job of that).

I'm pretty sure I have more to say on the issue, but I'm exhausted and will have to go to bed. I just wanted to share the love. Good night, all!

Nothing desperate about it, part II

Re-reading my previous post has prompted me to think like a detective - or someone who watches a lot of shows with mysteries and is continuously duped. Seriously, I never see those curveballs coming.

I need to re-watch, but I wonder how "revealing" the close-up of the band list was. As I mentioned, the camera showed a close-up with Dave and Mike's names, which makes us assume that the mysterious "he" that Dave is after really is Mike. I mean, the band list also had Tom, Orson and Carlos's names on it. Could this have been a well-placed set-up?

Plus, when Dave pulled Mike from the fire, he told him "I'm not done with you yet." This doesn't necessarily mean what we think it means. It's entirely possible that Dave plans on using Mike as a pawn as a way to get to someone else. Further, if Dave really wanted to get revenge on Mike, why would he risk his life to save him? If Dave wanted Mike to die anyway, I don't see why he wouldn't let him burn to death. His death would be ruled as accidental, which doesn't bring any suspicion to Dave. And he could still feel like he got his revenge, since he was the one who started the fire in the first place.

What if he's after Carlos, for instance? Carlos's name was on the list, like I mentioned, and out of all the men, Carlos is closest to Mike (or, at least, he used to be). If this theory holds true, it would explain why Dave would need Mike. Plus, I can't seem to recall Carlos and Dave interacting too much at all. Out of all the band members, I think Dave has interacted with him the least, which is a bit suspicious. I don't really know why he'd be after Carlos, though. Maybe it's something to do with Victor? Carlos is indirectly responsible for Victor's death, and Victor and Dave both have the same smarmy demeanor and determined attitude. Plus, Victor's family is incredibly wealthy, as Dave seems to be.

I'm kind of grasping at straws here. I don't put much faith in my "Dave is after someone other than Mike, perhaps Carlos?" theory. It just seems that the clues are too obvious and they've revealed so much already that Dave isn't after Mike after all.

Curse these addictive, mysterious shows! I literally stay awake at night, thinking about it. Perhaps I should get a life? Yeah, I should. But it's too much fun to give up completely!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Nothing desperate about it

Desperate Housewives was on tonight. Great episode! It was the big tragedy of the season (thus far), kind of like last year's tornado and season three's (awesome) supermarket hostage episode. Of course, someone - a minor character - died tonight. I was slightly disappointed in that, because I'd heard rumours that it was going to be a major character and it wasn't. But I was in suspense the entire time. See, in the episode, a night club is set on fire while most of the characters are there, and they get you thinking that Jackson's going to die...then Carlos or Orson...then Mike. Luckily, none of those happened. It was crazy Dave's therapist who died. Dave killed him, strangled him with his own hands, then set the body (and eventually the club) on fire. I don't think that Dave meant to set the entire place on fire. Or if he did, I think his intentions were for everyone to get out alive. Sure, he tried to kill Jackson, but that was to save his own ass. I don't think he meant for the fire to spread so quickly.

The season's big mystery is surrounding Dave, played by the amazingly talented Neal McDonough. He is probably the best villanious/mysterious character on the show to date. I hope he gets an Emmy nod for his work on DH this season - he deserves it. Anyway. So his character is Dave Williams, and up until pretty much this episode (8th of the season), I was convinced that he had something to do with Roger Bart's character George Williams, from the first two seasons. I know that Williams is a common surname, but I considered it to be lazy writing and too much of a coincidence for them to not be related. My theory that he was after Bree somehow, after she let him [George] die in the second season. But that theory was shot down, and repeatedly trampled on, when they revealed that a) Dave changed his name prior to moving to Wisteria Lane and b) He's after Mike. Dave's doctor saw a list of the band members, and the camera focused in on Dave and Mike's names before prompting the therapist to comment on the name change/say "He's in your band??" Plus, when Dave rescued Mike from the fire (he ran back into the building when he heard Mike was in there looking for Jackson), he said to an unconscious Mike, "I'm not done with you yet." So much for my brilliant theory.

A lot of fans are assuming that Dave is out for revenge on Mike, since Mike and Susan were involved in the accidental death of a woman and her young daughter. They made it way too obvious in the premiere that that was the most likely reason for Dave wanting to get revenge, so I disputed it immediately. The fans are making a HUGE deal out of the accident, it's almost amusing. I'm pretty sure the writers came up with the accident only to explain how Mike and Susan ended up getting divorced, and to make it look like Mike died until the end of the episode.

A lot of fans are also coming up with the possibility that Dave is actually the character of Paul Young. Excuse me while I laugh hysterically, but I really doubt it. That's major, maybe even impossible plastic surgery. Is it possible to completely change the structure of your face? Not to mention build. I guess anything's possible, but my "Dave's related to George" theory was much more plausible (until evidence proved otherwise, of course). Watch the "Dave is Paul Young" theory be true. If it is, I will gladly eat some humble pie. Until then, I'll keep laughing.

My latest theory: Dave is after Mike, since Mike killed his brother. Mike killed a cop in self-defense, and my guess is that this cop was Dave's brother. Or it could've been someone he killed in prison, but I don't think Mike killed anyone in prison. I don't remember. I can't take credit for this idea, though. I read it on an IMDB board. I hope it was a speculation and not an actual spoiler. But, you can't always trust spoilers. The ones for tonight indicated a few things that didn't come close to happening in the episode, so there you have it.

Just for the record, I don't read spoilers. I avoid them. I only came across the spoilers by mistake, and a lot of the ones I read, I read after watching the episode. Not that it would matter if I did read spoilers - I wouldn't ever post them on a blog [not that anyone's reading this but me] - but I just wanted to clarify. I used to read spoilers for That '70s Show and it just sort of ruins it.

By the way, this season of Desperate Housewives has been stellar. Last season was good, but it - like all the others - suffered from the writer's strike and therefore we didn't get as much as we normally do. And like Grey's, the writing after the strike last year was so much better for DH. As much as the strike sucked, at least something good came out of it: better quality writing! Yay! Plus, I just find this season's mystery a lot more compelling than the Dylan storyline. It was good, but I think it was out of place. Having the big mystery of the season revolve around a new character was a bit strange. Sure, Dave's a new character, but a) he's married to Edie; b) he has a past in Fairview and c) he is somehow connected to Mike. Sure, Katherine and Dylan had a past in Fairview as well, but that was trivial. They could have been completely new neighbours and that wouldn't have made a huge difference to the story.

It's funny how much people said they were going to break-up with the show (see my previous post) when it was revealed that they were jumping ahead 5 years for this season. A lot of people were immediately negative and predicted that the show was going to be crap. Some even swore it off and said they'll never watch it again. Well, too bad for them, because I honestly think this is the second-best season they've done in the series, outshined only by the first season. Maybe I'm jumping the gun, since we're not halfway through the season yet, but unless something goes majorly wrong, season five will go down in show history for being one of the very best. It just sort of furthers my point in that people tend to be so quick to judge and abandon ship the second something doesn't go their way - we're too much of an "instant gratification" society (see a couple of posts down).

Not to make this post any longer than it is, but it must be said that Twilight (the movie) come out on Friday. I'm seeing it on Saturday, unless it sells out before we can get tickets. I watched the trailer again a while ago, which I'm posting here:

Have you ever noticed that Kristen...Stewart? (the girl playing Bella) has the exact same expression throughout the entire trailer? Okay, that's unfair. It's two different expressions: scared and blank. I kind of think that this movie will suck. I'm sure the "Twilighters" will adore and worship it. I kind of hope that this movie gets bad reviews so that the Twilighters will shit themselves. It's fun to watch them when someone says something bad about the series.

Friday, November 14, 2008

"I'm breaking up with you."

A lot of people seem to be "breaking-up" with their favourite shows. It's becoming the new thing to say. Pretty much, it means that when people get fed up with the show, they stop watching it and there "break-up" with it.

What I've noticed is that people are becoming too quick to break-up with shows these days. It's actually been happening for a little while, but I particularly noticed it a while ago. I was reading the writer's blog for Grey's Anatomy and a lot of people hated last night's episode. There were several comments in the direction of "Last night's episode was awful. That's it, I'm done with the show. This was my last episode."

My problem is this. People seem to feel so entitled to have a show and its characters do exactly what they want, that the minute something else happens, they give up. Take, for instance, in season three of Grey's Anatomy, when Izzie and George hooked up. I personally liked the idea, but a lot of people went apeshit. And then the whining commenced. "I hate them together! This is the worst thing ever! I'm never watching this show again!" Another example: Meredith and Derek are back together this season, which in theory should please a lot of fans (since they couldn't stop bitching about them being apart last season. And let's not even get started on the Rose character of season four who dated Derek. 'Cause...yikes. Some Grey's fans are downright scary). But now all people can complain about is "OMG Mer/Der had like NO screen time together I'm sick of this WE WANT OUR MER/DER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" No, seriously, a lot of comments were like that. Grey's has a big cast with, in my opinion, characters and storylines far more interesting than Meredith and Derek. It can't be all about fluffy plotlines about Meredith and Derek kissing and sleeping in bed. Yawn.

I feel I'm getting off-track here. My problem is that the minute people don't get their way, they start throwing a shitfit and even decide to not watch their favourite tv show anymore. It drives me crazy that people are so quick to judge and quick to bail. Whatever happened to sitting back and just enjoying the show for what it's worth? Especially when the show's creators are trying to set things up for? My last post I mentioned that the Izzie-Denny thing was really, really weird, and I still think that. I don't really like the idea of Izzie having sex with a ghost. But I have to believe - and I do - that it's all part of the big picture. Something's obviously up with Izzie, and only time will tell. I'm looking forward to seeing what they come up with next. Grey's, I'm in it for the long haul with you.

Sadly, I think I'm one of the few.

This instant-gratification or bail phenomenon is elsewhere, too. For instance, new tv shows. If a new tv show isn't hugely successful its first night, drawing in like 23,000,000 viewers, then chances are it'll be cancelled. As a society, we're so obsessed with overnight sensations that we don't stop and smell the roses, so to speak. I get that a network doesn't want to air a show that literally no one is watching, but when there are still millions out there enjoying it, why pull the plug in hopes that its replacement will be the Next Big Thing? I think back to all the shows that have debuted in the last few years and I'm amazed as to how many of them were cancelled. Like, 98% of them. I get that this happens a lot, I wonder how many of them would've been successful after giving the shows a chance for more than a couple of weeks.

The moral of the story is, relax. Stop acting like a show is terrible because it doesn't go exactly the way you want it. And if you're going to stop watching a genuinely good, entertaining show because it's not catered specifically to you and you only, then hey. Good riddance!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Thursday Night Musings

Two posts in one day? I rule. That, or I don't have a life.

Mmmkay, so tonight is my big TV night. I watch approximately 2-3 hours of tv a week, max. I always watch Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy, and I'm really digging this season's Survivor, so I try to watch that too, when I can. Since the latter two fall on the same night, consecutively, Thursday becomes my big tv night.

It was an interesting night, tv wise, to say the least. First with Survivor:

1. MARCUS IS GONE. He's been gone for a week but I still miss him. At least he's in the jury so I get to see him (albeit briefly) in every episode.

2. Charlie got voted out! Sadness.

3. How the eff does anyone like Ken? Over at the IMDB boards, he's a popular player. Why? And how? He's an annoying lame-o without any social skills. Plus, his moustache makes him look like a rat. It didn't help that he did an all-too-good impression of a rat. He will henceforth be known as Rat Boy. I hope he doesn't win, but right now, I think he will.

4. Crystal, argh. She won a gold medal in track (Wikipedia tells me she won in the 4x400 m race in the 2004 summer Olympics, held in Athens) but she's freaking useless on Survivor. Plus she refers to herself in the third person, Just don't.

5. So, apparently, in the season opener during a challenge, Marcus's penis fell out of his boxers when he started running! Heh. I'm so mature, I know, but I think it's funny that it didn't 100% get past the censors. Lord only knows that there's way too much censored girl boob in any given episode; it's about time an attractive guy got a little too exposed! Incidently, there's a video of it online. Just beware, though, that it's only available on a gay porn site. I have nothing against gay people, I just (for some reason) was not expecting to see a bunch of pictures of guys making out when I went to go watch the film clip.

Also, is it wrong that I got a little turned on by the video of Marcus? I think it is. Just a tad.

6. Bob is completely and 100% awesome. I love him, he's a rockstar. Bob for the win!

7. Matty, dude, what the HELL is with your laugh? I tried to YouTube a clip of it, because it freaks me out so much, but no such luck. It vaugely reminds me of that character Eddie, who appeared on a couple of Friends episodes back in the day. High-pitched and flat out creepy. Expect Matty's laugh is way, WAY creepier. Especially last week, in their immunity challenge, when he started laughing maniacally. I'm telling you, Matty's off his rocker. He's totally the type of guy who will kill you in your sleep then bury you in the jungle. Just sayin'...

My prediction: everyone I like will get voted off, leaving the annoying ones (Rat Face, Crystal and Susie or Matty) to win. Damn.

Okay, now. On to Grey's Anatomy.

1. The Denny thing. When Denny died I CRIED LIKE A BABY. For days. Even now, whenver I hear Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol, I get emotional. It's a Pavloivan response, I think. Every time he comes back on the show, I cry. (Because I'm weird like that.)

But, the hell? What is going on? Why can Izzie touch and KISS Denny? He's dead! She must have a tumor or something, because that's just not right. And next week, when she has sex with Denny?

Just...ghost sex? Really? How? And why, most importantly? I love Denny, but...what the hell?

2. Where the hell was George tonight?

3. I miss Erica Hahn. Weird.

4. I kinda wish they'd stop adding new characters. I like Dr. McArmy, but it's just a bit much when every week they're doing a cast switcharoo.

I think I'm bitching too much, so I'll add in some things I liked:

5. Callie's breakdown in the ER? Beautifully done, Sara Ramirez. Brava to you.

6. The Callie-Mark friendship. Loving it. I like them better as friends than I do as lovers, but that's just me.

7. At first I was like ok, what's up with Dr. Dixon? She's a little strange. And then she reveals she has Asperger's. And then I felt like a douchebag. (Or as I like to say, a douchebagette, since I'm a girl and all.) But the reason why I liked this is because that's so Grey's - punching you in the face with a revelation that you just didn't see coming. And I love it.

8. The Cristina/McArmy kiss was hot. So hot that it totally warrants both bold and italicize for one word. Yes, I went there!

I guess that's all I have to say for now. Perhaps Thursday Night Musings will become a regular, or perhaps not. We'll see.

Coming soon, some BSC snark! Watch for it.

I'm totally lame, but...

Today is Gerard Butler's birthday! He's been my favourite actor for about 4 years now, and I'm still completely enamored by him. I strongly recommend checking out Dear Frankie, which is, in my opinion, his best film. So happy birthday Gerry! You handsome devil, you.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

So, what's the deal with Twilight & Robert Pattinson, anyway?

So, over the summer, my friends and I got into the "Twilight." The four of us devoured the books the way an addict would devour crack. Because in essence, that's what "Twilight" is - literary crack. While you're in the moment, it's wonderful and delightful. But as soon as the dust settles, so to speak, you look around you and wonder "what the fuck was I thinking?"

Even at the height of my addiction, I knew that the "Twilight" books were crap. Horrible, terrible character development; thin, predictable storylines; and an eye-rolling romance between Edward (vampire) and Bella (human, until the last book. Oops, sorry. Spoiler aler!). I was spoiled in reading "Harry Potter." If "Twilight" is junk food in the literary world, then "Harry Potter" would be a 7-course [see what I did there?] feast. I'm not saying that the HP books are the best books written in the history of time, EVER! But, even if you don't like the books, you can't argue the fact that they are wonderfully written and were meticulously planned out - every last, minute detail. You don't see this in the "Twilight" series.

When "Breaking Dawn" came out, I was semi-excited. Interested in finding out what happened in the end, but not overly invested. I took my time in reading the book, which I enjoyed for a couple of chapters or so. But by the end, I had to force myself to finish it, if only because I had spent $25 on it and didn't want it to go to waste. Simply put, that book - and its ending - was atrocious. Everything about it was terrible. The writing, the character development (rather, the lack thereof), the plot, the "climax" - just terrible. I wanted to cry when I read the last page - not because the series was over, but because I'd wasted so much time (and money) on the series that was now tainted because of "Breaking Dawn." I've completely lost interested in the whole "Twilight" empire.

The first movie (and I can guarantee that they'll make all four books into movies) is coming out in a few weeks. My best friend is so excited for it, but my general feeling toward it is "meh." I'll go see it, sure, since I'm curious about how they'll do and portray certain things. Out of the series, the first book was my favourite. But on the whole, I just don't really care that much.

And then there's the issue of Robert Pattinson, the actor portraying Edward. I like him. I liked him as Cedric Diggory in "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire." I have no problem with him playing Edward. But ladies - holy shit, ladies, calm down. There are girls - fangirls - out there who act like he's Edward himself. They go apeshit for this guy to the point where I'm embarassed for them. They follow him around, scream at him, even ask him to bite them! This is simultaneously hilarious and sad. He's an actor portraying a fictional character. Learn to differentiate!

Besides, what's so great about Edward? Sure, he's hot, but he's a creepy control freak. He watches Bella while she sleeps and pretty much controls her life. I'm sure he's bored at night, but hot damn, is it really necessary to watch her while she's sleeping? And the way he controls her is downright disturbing. It's not 100% his fault, since Bella's the dumbass stupid enough to let a relationship control her life so completely that she goes comatose for six months when they break-up. No, seriously. When he dumps her, she collapses in the woods for like 8 hours until someone finds her. I know she's in shock and all, but jeez.

I'm starting to ramble a bit. My point is, I don't know why so many girls think that Edward's the perfect guy. To be fair, a lot of fangirls who "luv" the series are, like, 14 and therefore have no idea what men and relationships are actually like. But there are girls - women - out there who hero-worship Edward, and to an extent, poor Robert Pattinson.

I guess I'm over "Twilight." The view from this side, the sane peoples' side, is probably more cynical, but at least I'm not getting brainwashed by Stephenie Meyer and her perfect vampire world. Say it with me now: Twilight sucks!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Bring Back Burke!

Dr. Burke was never my favourite character on Grey's Anatomy. And after Isaiah Washington made that remark to T.R. Knight, I sort of lost respect for the actor. So when they gave him the boot, I wasn't terribly sad to see him go.

Then they brought on Dr. Hahn, and it was then I started missing Burke. She was annoying and cold. It wasn't until the last couple episodes that I started to sort of like her, and now she's off the show. Sheesh, make up your mind, show creators!

IW recently commented on Brooke Smith's dismissal from the show. He said it was silly and unjust and pretty much was right on the money. They gave no explanation for Hahn to leave, though the media is leaving me to believe that the head honchos at ABC weren't fond of the Callie-Erica lesbian storyline. That really sucks for Brooke Smith.

Interestingly, IW said they should bring Burke back to Seattle Grace and that he would "absolutely" do the show again if he was asked. (Interesting because of the manner of his firing, and the fact that he whined like a baby over it.) I actually would like to see that. It would be awesome for Burke to show up suddenly. Cristina would be completely blindsided and that would be fun to watch. Especially if she and Dr. McArmy hook up, and she had to choose between the two. That would be far more interesting than any fluffy Meredith/Derek romance plotline. Woo!

Bring Burke Back!
So, it's been a while since I've blogged. I've been thinking that I might turn this BMW blog into an "everything I like" media blog. Maybe have a section dedicated to, say, BMW, another to the BSC, another to Grey's Anatomy, another to Ready or Not, etc. etc. I might do that.

I'm double-posting, this is more of an administrative type update. Just so I can keep the archives straight, and all that. I'm kind of anal when it comes to organization...