So, over the summer, my friends and I got into the "Twilight." The four of us devoured the books the way an addict would devour crack. Because in essence, that's what "Twilight" is -
literary crack. While you're in the moment, it's wonderful and delightful. But as soon as the dust settles, so to speak, you look around you and wonder "what the
fuck was I thinking?"
Even at the height of my addiction, I knew that the "Twilight" books were crap. Horrible, terrible character development; thin, predictable storylines; and an eye-rolling romance between Edward (vampire) and Bella (human, until the last book. Oops, sorry. Spoiler aler!). I was spoiled in reading "Harry Potter." If "Twilight" is junk food in the literary world, then "Harry Potter" would be a 7-course [see what I did there?] feast. I'm not saying that the HP books are the best books written in the history of time, EVER! But, even if you don't like the books, you can't argue the fact that they are wonderfully written and were meticulously planned out - every last, minute detail. You don't see this in the "Twilight" series.
When "Breaking Dawn" came out, I was semi-excited. Interested in finding out what happened in the end, but not overly invested. I took my time in reading the book, which I enjoyed for a couple of chapters or so. But by the end, I had to force myself to finish it, if only because I had spent $25 on it and didn't want it to go to waste. Simply put, that book - and its ending - was atrocious. Everything about it was terrible. The writing, the character development (rather, the lack thereof), the plot, the "climax" - just terrible. I wanted to cry when I read the last page - not because the series was over, but because I'd wasted so much time (and money) on the series that was now tainted because of "Breaking Dawn." I've completely lost interested in the whole "Twilight" empire.
The first movie (and I can guarantee that they'll make all four books into movies) is coming out in a few weeks. My best friend is so excited for it, but my general feeling toward it is "meh." I'll go see it, sure, since I'm curious about how they'll do and portray certain things. Out of the series, the first book was my favourite. But on the whole, I just don't really care
that much.
And then there's the issue of Robert Pattinson, the actor portraying Edward. I like him. I liked him as Cedric Diggory in "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire." I have no problem with him playing Edward. But ladies - holy shit, ladies, calm down. There are girls - fangirls - out there who act like he's Edward himself. They go apeshit for this guy to the point where I'm embarassed for them. They follow him around, scream at him, even
ask him to bite them! This is simultaneously hilarious and sad. He's an
actor portraying a fictional character. Learn to differentiate!
Besides, what's so great about Edward? Sure, he's hot, but he's a creepy control freak. He watches Bella while she sleeps and pretty much controls her life. I'm sure he's bored at night, but hot damn, is it really necessary to watch her while she's sleeping? And the way he controls her is downright disturbing. It's not 100% his fault, since Bella's the dumbass stupid enough to let a relationship control her life so completely that she goes comatose for six months when they break-up. No, seriously. When he dumps her, she collapses in the woods for like 8 hours until someone finds her. I know she's in shock and all, but jeez.
I'm starting to ramble a bit. My point is, I don't know why so many girls think that Edward's the perfect guy. To be fair, a lot of fangirls who "luv" the series are, like, 14 and therefore have no idea what men and relationships are actually like. But there are girls - women - out there who hero-worship Edward, and to an extent, poor Robert Pattinson.
I guess I'm over "Twilight." The view from this side, the sane peoples' side, is probably more cynical, but at least I'm not getting brainwashed by Stephenie Meyer and her perfect vampire world. Say it with me now:
Twilight sucks!