Sunday, November 23, 2008

Twilight: The Movie

Yesterday was the Big Day for Twilight fans around the world. Their dreams had come true - Twilight, in movie form! As you may or may not know, I'm an iffy fan of the series. The books were like crack to me at first, then I realized they were absolute crap and I developed a dislike for them. Tonight, I saw the movie. I went in, expecting to enjoy it without being absolutely in love with it.

I got exactly what I was expecting. As far as the movie goes, it was entertaining and well-made. The acting was quite excellent, although sometimes Robert Pattinson's accent broke through and was a bit distracting. I can't fault him, though. Speaking in an accent unlike your own is hard, and he's relatively new to acting. I predict he will improve with time and experience.

The movie really captured the essence of the book - and in my opinion, all of its faults. I can't and won't ever get past Bella Swan. Kristen Stewart did a good job playing the part, but I still hate the character. She comes across as this whiney, needy, naive girl who loses a sense of self because a cute boy shows interest in her. The scene of Edward and Bella in the woods, when she tells him she knows he's a vampire, was downright awful. Not acting wise, but just...ugh. She proceeds to tell him that she's only afraid of losing him. Get a grip, woman. You've known him, what? A couple of weeks? How many times have you actually spoken to him? What do you really know about him? And how can you value your life so little that you don't give a shit that you're alone with a very dangerous "monster," so long as you can be around the cute boy? Those are the things that annoyed the eff out of me in the books (and it gets worse, sigh) and they were most certainly present in the movie.

Overall, it was an enjoyable movie. A bit too much angsting and not enough action (and I'm not that into action movies), so it dragged a bit at times. And the "bad guys" were unbelievably cheesy and awful. They're one-dimensional characters in the books, and somehow make it worse for the movie. Maybe it was the acting (sorry, but James's acting left a lot to be desired) or the ridiculous, thug/gangsta wardrobe that is trying so desperately to scream "I'm badass!" but it completely brought on the lolz. A lot of the movie did, but I think the "bad guys" were the number one lolz-inducing. Though Sparkly!Edward comes as a close second. The first time they showed Sparkly!Edward was bad, but the second time - I had to suppress giggles. Maybe because they were being so damn emo and he's sitting there, sparkling like a glitter pen.

I give this movie an A-. Good acting, good moviemaking. Slightly lame special effects, several unintentional lolz moments, and the atrocious character that is Bella Swan aside, it's a fun evening at the movies.

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