Sunday, November 16, 2008

Nothing desperate about it

Desperate Housewives was on tonight. Great episode! It was the big tragedy of the season (thus far), kind of like last year's tornado and season three's (awesome) supermarket hostage episode. Of course, someone - a minor character - died tonight. I was slightly disappointed in that, because I'd heard rumours that it was going to be a major character and it wasn't. But I was in suspense the entire time. See, in the episode, a night club is set on fire while most of the characters are there, and they get you thinking that Jackson's going to die...then Carlos or Orson...then Mike. Luckily, none of those happened. It was crazy Dave's therapist who died. Dave killed him, strangled him with his own hands, then set the body (and eventually the club) on fire. I don't think that Dave meant to set the entire place on fire. Or if he did, I think his intentions were for everyone to get out alive. Sure, he tried to kill Jackson, but that was to save his own ass. I don't think he meant for the fire to spread so quickly.

The season's big mystery is surrounding Dave, played by the amazingly talented Neal McDonough. He is probably the best villanious/mysterious character on the show to date. I hope he gets an Emmy nod for his work on DH this season - he deserves it. Anyway. So his character is Dave Williams, and up until pretty much this episode (8th of the season), I was convinced that he had something to do with Roger Bart's character George Williams, from the first two seasons. I know that Williams is a common surname, but I considered it to be lazy writing and too much of a coincidence for them to not be related. My theory that he was after Bree somehow, after she let him [George] die in the second season. But that theory was shot down, and repeatedly trampled on, when they revealed that a) Dave changed his name prior to moving to Wisteria Lane and b) He's after Mike. Dave's doctor saw a list of the band members, and the camera focused in on Dave and Mike's names before prompting the therapist to comment on the name change/say "He's in your band??" Plus, when Dave rescued Mike from the fire (he ran back into the building when he heard Mike was in there looking for Jackson), he said to an unconscious Mike, "I'm not done with you yet." So much for my brilliant theory.

A lot of fans are assuming that Dave is out for revenge on Mike, since Mike and Susan were involved in the accidental death of a woman and her young daughter. They made it way too obvious in the premiere that that was the most likely reason for Dave wanting to get revenge, so I disputed it immediately. The fans are making a HUGE deal out of the accident, it's almost amusing. I'm pretty sure the writers came up with the accident only to explain how Mike and Susan ended up getting divorced, and to make it look like Mike died until the end of the episode.

A lot of fans are also coming up with the possibility that Dave is actually the character of Paul Young. Excuse me while I laugh hysterically, but I really doubt it. That's major, maybe even impossible plastic surgery. Is it possible to completely change the structure of your face? Not to mention build. I guess anything's possible, but my "Dave's related to George" theory was much more plausible (until evidence proved otherwise, of course). Watch the "Dave is Paul Young" theory be true. If it is, I will gladly eat some humble pie. Until then, I'll keep laughing.

My latest theory: Dave is after Mike, since Mike killed his brother. Mike killed a cop in self-defense, and my guess is that this cop was Dave's brother. Or it could've been someone he killed in prison, but I don't think Mike killed anyone in prison. I don't remember. I can't take credit for this idea, though. I read it on an IMDB board. I hope it was a speculation and not an actual spoiler. But, you can't always trust spoilers. The ones for tonight indicated a few things that didn't come close to happening in the episode, so there you have it.

Just for the record, I don't read spoilers. I avoid them. I only came across the spoilers by mistake, and a lot of the ones I read, I read after watching the episode. Not that it would matter if I did read spoilers - I wouldn't ever post them on a blog [not that anyone's reading this but me] - but I just wanted to clarify. I used to read spoilers for That '70s Show and it just sort of ruins it.

By the way, this season of Desperate Housewives has been stellar. Last season was good, but it - like all the others - suffered from the writer's strike and therefore we didn't get as much as we normally do. And like Grey's, the writing after the strike last year was so much better for DH. As much as the strike sucked, at least something good came out of it: better quality writing! Yay! Plus, I just find this season's mystery a lot more compelling than the Dylan storyline. It was good, but I think it was out of place. Having the big mystery of the season revolve around a new character was a bit strange. Sure, Dave's a new character, but a) he's married to Edie; b) he has a past in Fairview and c) he is somehow connected to Mike. Sure, Katherine and Dylan had a past in Fairview as well, but that was trivial. They could have been completely new neighbours and that wouldn't have made a huge difference to the story.

It's funny how much people said they were going to break-up with the show (see my previous post) when it was revealed that they were jumping ahead 5 years for this season. A lot of people were immediately negative and predicted that the show was going to be crap. Some even swore it off and said they'll never watch it again. Well, too bad for them, because I honestly think this is the second-best season they've done in the series, outshined only by the first season. Maybe I'm jumping the gun, since we're not halfway through the season yet, but unless something goes majorly wrong, season five will go down in show history for being one of the very best. It just sort of furthers my point in that people tend to be so quick to judge and abandon ship the second something doesn't go their way - we're too much of an "instant gratification" society (see a couple of posts down).

Not to make this post any longer than it is, but it must be said that Twilight (the movie) come out on Friday. I'm seeing it on Saturday, unless it sells out before we can get tickets. I watched the trailer again a while ago, which I'm posting here:

Have you ever noticed that Kristen...Stewart? (the girl playing Bella) has the exact same expression throughout the entire trailer? Okay, that's unfair. It's two different expressions: scared and blank. I kind of think that this movie will suck. I'm sure the "Twilighters" will adore and worship it. I kind of hope that this movie gets bad reviews so that the Twilighters will shit themselves. It's fun to watch them when someone says something bad about the series.

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