Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sexiest Men Alive!

As promised, some of the Sexiest Men Alive! (according to me.) This might become a regular feature, or at least, semi-regular, depending on how many guys out there I deem to be worthy of the title. Without further ado, I give Sweet On the Lips' Sexiest Men Alive!

In no particular order, I present to you:


Name: Ryan Gosling
Profession: Actor
Where I First Noticed Him: The awesomely awesome t.v. show, Breaker High, circa 1997 (more or less). He played Sean Hanlon, who happened to be my favourite character.
Why He's Sexy: Look at him! That should be enough of an explanation. He's also got a great smile and beautiful eyes. Not only is he a fabulous actor - he's been nominated for an Oscar - but he's got great moves. He's quite the dancer. Fun fact: He went to my old dance studio! And we were born in the same hospital. Amazing I know.

Next on the docket:


Name: Nick Carter
Profession: Singer
Where I First Noticed Him: A small group you may have heard about...what are they called again? Oh yeah, the Backstreet Boys. My love for him began in 1999.
Why He's Sexy: Check it out. Nick's always been a good-looking guy, but recently he got into shape, and damn. He also has a really fun personality - he's very silly and goofy. Plus, say what you want about the group, and Nick specifically, but they work with a lot of foundations and charities, and they're sweet and humble and gracious with their fans, so Nick indeed deserves to be on this list.

Bachelor number three, come on down!


Name: Jason Dohring
Profession: Actor
Where I First Noticed Him: Veronica Mars. Only the greatest show ever, 2006.
Why He's Sexy: Despite the obvious. I really admire and enjoy his acting abilities. And okay, it might be the character he played, the insatiable Logan Echolls, but this man just oozes sex appeal without even trying. If you have never heard of Jason, or have never watched Veronica Mars, stop reading this blog, run out to your nearest mall/Wal-Mart/FutureShop and buy all three seasons this very instant. Go! I'll even wait for you. You won't regret it.

Why, look who it is! It's...


Name: Johnny Depp (if you've never heard of him, please leave my blog...)
Profession: Actor
Where I First Noticed Him: Edward Scissorhands, Pirates
Why He's Sexy: Have you seen this man? Not only is he incredibly hot, but he is probably the best actor of our generation. I love that he's such a versatile actor, and the fact that he's perfection in every role he does doesn't hurt. Plus, I really respect him for not doing Oscar-type movies. A lot of actors only do movies that they think will get them an Academy Award, but not our Johnny. But while we're on the subject, someone please give this man an Oscar. I'm still crying over Finding Neverland. He's The Man.

And finally, we have one of my all-time favourites:


Name: Gerard Butler (but he goes by Gerry)
Profession: Actor
Where I First Noticed Him: The Phantom of the Opera, 2004.
Why He's Sexy: His face! His eyes! That smile! That body! His too sexy for words Scottish accent! Not only is this man a wonderful, underrated actor (check out Dear Frankie), but he's a smartie, too! He was training to be a lawyer before he started acting. Not only that, but he's hilarious and incredibly charming. Gerry deserves to be one of the biggest and brightest stars out there. He's definitely on his way.

Well, there you have it. Some sexy men for ya. Hope you enjoyed it! I sure did!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Holy. Crap. (Or, Video of the Week #3)

I was planning on posting a hilarious video for my latest VOW, but after seeing this, I HAD to post it.

Get out the tissues, Grey's fans. Next week's promo:

I really, really hope she doesn't die. Izzie has always been my favourite character, and this promo really is a sucker punch to the gut. So sad. Especially when Callie is comforting George (even though he cheated on her with Izzie!) and how Derek says "It's a beautiful day to save lives." Heartbreaking.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A Tribute to Aln: The Update

Remember when I posted about Afton, my friend who passed away in January? Well, I thought I would post an update.

Back in January, I wrote a letter to Ann M. Martin, the author of the BSC series. I explained to her how much the BSC has meant to me, and how much they meant to Afton, and how much the books have, much to my surprise, made an impact on my life.

I got a reply.

It came only a few weeks after I'd sent it. I prepared myself for the worst, thinking it would be a form letter with perhaps a personalized P.S. at the end.

I was wrong.

It was a completely personalized letter. She thanked me for letting me know, and said she was sad to hear about Afton's passing. She also mentioned The Lisa Libraries, which is a wonderful charity of hers that sends new books to children/foundations for children in need. Ann told me that one of the forum members was creating a wishlist in memory of Afton. (Naturally I knew that, since we'd already been talking about it, but I appreciated it all the same.) It was so thrilling that I nearly screamed my head off. (I cried instead.) I think the address on the envelope was hand written, though it's hard to tell. I have it posted on this special keepsake bulletin board I have on my wall, and every time I look at it, I get a small thrill - and a wave of sadness.

There's a wishlist of books that, when purchased, will be sent to the Lisa Libraries foundation. That list can be viewed right here. Please consider making a donation - many of the books are inexpensive, and it's for a great cause in the memory of a wonderful, kind and caring person.

It feels so good to make a difference. I'm so happy, even though I miss Afton and would rather her be here with us. I feel great, though, because I know how amazed Afton would be if she knew we were doing this in her honour. She'd be humbled, but also pleased, and that makes me so happy that I have a big goofy grin on my face at the moment. This really is the right thing to be doing, and I couldn't be happier.

We still miss you, Afton, but we're thinking of you. All the time.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Bring on the lulz!

I find this higly amusing:


Gotta love how Kristen Stewart's face is half-covered in the shadows. R-Patz's face kind of is, too, but for some reason, it has a completely different effect. He looks mysterious, while she looks like the art director wanted to hide her as much as possible. I guess to draw the attention on Edward. Also, why does Stewart look like a tweleve-year-old girl? And how come the she looks like a photograph, but he looks like a drawing?

Why do they re-do movie artwork for the DVD release, especially when the original movie poster is so much better?

These are things that keep me up at night, folks.

My friends are having a Twilight DVD release party. I was not invited. Partly because I won't be in town the weekend of said party, but most likely because they know I'm not a fan. Unfair! I liked the movie, albeit for reasons I'm sure that were unintentional on behalf of the creative team. It's quite entertaining in a cheesy, accidentally hilarious kind of way. I'm pretty sure that my Twifriends would take offenses to this, so I'm not surprised an invite didn't come my way.

I really want to invent a Twilight drinking game. Now that would make the movie worth watching!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Video of the Week #2

Oopsies, I've been a little slack in posting these days, and it's been more than a week since my last Video of the Week. So, to make up for it, here's one of my favourite videos. Ever.

Love it.