Sunday, June 28, 2009

Twilight is...

Some lulz-y screencaps. Yes, they're real - try it yourself!

twilight is

1. Ha. With the exception of a few (is aweome, is better than Harry Potter), this pretty much says it all.

stephenie meyer is

2. I love how SMeyer's poor writing skills show up on this list no less than three times. Also, I keep reading "Mormon" as "moron." But really, Stephenie Meyer is hot? Seriously? She's not ugly, but...yeah, not hot.

kristen stewart is

3. Weird, a horrible actress, annoying and an idiot. That's kind of how I feel about her. Except for perhaps the latter. She certainly presents herself as an idiot in interviews and in the press and whatnot, but she says she's just awkward, so I'll give her the benefit of the doubt, since I'm in a generous mood today. The on drugs thing is funny, because she was photographed smoking pot during the filming of Twilight. I find that hilarious, and what's even funnier was people's reactions. Duhhhh, people smoke weed. It's not the end of the world, people. And lastly, people think she's pregnant? I don't know why, but that makes me laugh way too much.

robert pattinson is

4. I feel guilty about this one, since I actually like R-Patz. I'm not all OMG HE'S SOOOOOOOO HOT!!!!!!1! about him. I just think he's a poor soul who got sucked into all this Twilight crap. Though, I have to say, I agree about the dirty boy thing - he doesn't seem to have a grasp on basic hygeine, which is a little concerning. But people want to know if he's a virgin? Hahahahahhaahahaahahaha. Hahahahahaha. Hahaha. Ha. That's priceless.

Hope you enjoyed these as much as I did!

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