Monday, July 27, 2009

Good-bye to George

Well, it's official. T.R. Knight has gotten out of his Grey's contract and will not be returning to the show in the fall. Even to the point of a farewell episode - Knight refused to come back to a farewell George, George-centric episode.

I'm not sure how I feel about this.

On the one hand, I can see why he wanted off the show. To begin, he was barely in this past season. A fan favourite, a celebrated actor - practically non-existant. And allegedly, when IsaiahGate happened, show creator Shonda Rhimes tried to get Knight to keep his homosexuality hidden or at least private. If this is true, I can see why Knight left.

On the other hand, I think Knight needs to man up and bid his character farewell. George was one of the greatest characters on the show, and this would have been a fantastic way for him, and the fans, to say good-bye to George the hero, and not George 007. (Apparently the episode would have shown the moment George got hit by a bus, which would have been way too much to see.) I really wish he would agree to this.

Grey's Anatomy won't be the same without George. Watching reruns now, it seems impossible to conceive the notion that George will no longer be around.

We'll miss you, George.

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