Thursday, November 5, 2009

Top 5: Shows Cancelled Before Their Time

I can guarantee you won't agree with my list, since there are a couple of admittedly...suspect choices. But this is my blog, dammit, so I'll pick the shows I liked.

5. Odd Man Out, 1999-2000. It didn't make it one full season, so I can understand if you don't know what the hell show this is. Not to mention that it was a TGIF show. No, it wasn't the best show around. It was pretty cheesy with questionable acting. But you know what? It was actually pretty funny. I have an episode on tape somewhere, and it still makes me laugh. It wasn't particularly dignified, as far as shows go, but it was still enjoyable, and could have been semi-decent if given a chance.

4. What About Brian, April 2006-May 2007. I really enjoyed the fresh take of this show, which focused on the single Brian surrounded by his coupley friends. At the time I had a boyfriend, but I had had enough experience being in Brian's situation, so I could totally understand. The show was funny and bittersweet, with enjoyable characters and a good cast. Too bad it never really took off. Sorry, Brian.

3. Breaker High, 1997-1998. Like Odd Man Out, Breaker High isn't what I'd call the best of television. It was cheesy, unrealistic, inconsistent and had some pretty bad acting (not to mention cheap produciton values). But it was still enjoyable. I was the target audiences to producers were reaching out to, and I ate it up with a spoon. It was funny and sweet and fun with likeable characters and juicy enough love triangles to keep tuning in week after week. Plus, it launched th career of the sexy Ryan Gosling (aka Sean Hanlon, one of my childhood crushes), so it wasn't all bad! I was pretty heartbroken when I found out the show got the axe. The show wasn't particularly clever or ground-breaking, but I still loved it.

2. Pushing Daisies, 2007-2009. To this day, I still can't figure out what exactly went wrong. How and why this show got cancelled still remains a mystery. It was funny, fresh, sweet, clever, unique -take your pick. It was also a treat to look at. There were musical numbers, dammit! And unlike the other shows on my list thus far, it was respected by critics and has even won a few awards (including best supporting actress - congrats, Kristin Chenoweth!). It just goes to show you how desperate the networks get for a hit - since Pushing Daisies wasn't their biggest show, they gave it the axe. Pathetic, ABC. Luckily both seasons are on DVD, and the show now boasts something of a cult following, but that still won't bring it back. Le sigh.

1. Veronica Mars, 2004-2007. Ahh, V-Mars. One of my favourite shows, ever. So sassy, so sexy, so funny, so clever. Pretty much the greatest show of all time, I really don't have too much to say. Veronica was one of the most realistic and interesting female characters to grace the silver screen in a long time: she was smart and strong, but had definite flaws. And there's Logan. Sexy, sexy Logan. He started out as a loathesome jackass, but ended up a fan favourite. We got to see him transform into a man, who -yes - had a lot of flaws, but was loveable and vulnerable. Add them to a whole list of great characters, add in fantastic writing, great music and incredibly clever storylines and mysteries (almost too clever, as it took me a few viewings of a few episodes to really understand it. Maybe I'm just dumb...) and you've got Veronica Mars. Cancelled way before its time. I still miss Logan sometimes. (And by sometimes, I mean every day.)

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