Oliver's not so bad, but Cristy! Oh, lordy. Look at that hideous face! Ahhh! She is kind of the female version of Holden - you can see why I was worried, can't you? And you can't really blame me for switching legacies.
Enter Sophie Henderson, who married George (who is based off of George O'Malley from Grey's Anatomy). They had three children: Stella, Autumn and Violet. Violet finally grew up to a teen, and for now, all three girls are teenagers after quite some time being different ages. Let's see how they turned out.
Whew, so much better! They're all kind of making weird faces, but you get the idea. They're also much prettier in the game. Stella has George's head shape, so I think she looks the most like him, though Autumn got his hair colour (it's a subtle difference, I know). None of the girls really look like Sophie, but I'd say Stella is the closest - her eyes and lips are the closest to Sophie's. Which is weird considering Stella looks more like George than the others. Interesting (to me), Violet looked a lot like George when she was a kid, and I thought that would continue as she aged. But I was wrong! I'd say out of the three of them, Autumn looks the least like either of her parents. Oh, and I love that they all have different eyebrows! Heh!
Sophie's pregnant again, and apparently it'll be a boy, finally! I'll post his picture later.
But anyway, go back and compare the two families. The Foxes have a very misleading last name! And I was hoping for Oliver to get with Autumn or Violet, depending who he got along with better, but now, after seeing his sister, I'm not so sure.
ETA: I have the parents! And the newest Henderson!!
Let's start with the ironically named Fox family:
Melanie (my creation) and Holden (Maxis-made). I don't think that Melanie is all that pretty - there's something off about her - but Holden! Ack! Why didn't I get a better look at him before they got married and started to reproduce?!
Also, you can't really tell, but they're wearing matching shirts! Heh. Melanie's shirt is CC and Holden's is Maxis-made; they just happened to be wearing the same fabric. It was funny, so I kept it.
Now, onto the Hendersons...
Sophie and George. Sophie is really pretty, and George - my creation - is adorable. I love him! He's becoming one of my favourite Sims.
And introducing...
The littlest Henderson, Brodie! He looks a lot like his papa, at least for now - and he's the first of the children to get George's eyes! Finally! Brodie and Sophie are BFFs after spending an afternoon playing video games together. I consider this an accomplishment, considering how neglected he was as an infant and toddler. I'm excited to see how he's going to turn out. And Stella's birthday is around the corner, when she turns into a young adult. There will be pictures. Oh yes, there will be pictures.