Friday, February 19, 2010

Survivor HvV: A Small Case of Crybabyitis

Welcome to week two of HvV! It was a pretty interesting episode, but for me, one of disappointment. The Heroes lost, again. Come on, guys, get your shit together! But let me backtrack a bit.

Boston Rob nearly got evacuated last night as the Samoa flu hit him hard. He passed out on the jungle floor (yikes!) and had to be examined by the medical team and my love, Jeff Probst. He was in pretty bad shape, and according to Jeff's blog, he was actually worse than they showed on TV. But luckily, after some rest and H2O, he was able to stand up and get back to the game.

The challenge was one that JT, among a few others whom I can't recall, had done before. As usual, the Heroes started off with a huge lead that was quickly diminished when it came time to do the puzzle. Despite initially agreeing to let JT be the tribe's "one voice," the other Heroes, namely Stephenie, started chiming in and deciding what to do. Over at the Villains tribe, Boston Rob screamed at them to shut up and listen to them, which they did, which caused them to gain the lead and eventually win. Yes, my Heroes were heading back to tribal council.

Back at camp, James laid the smackdown on everybody, reminding everyone that they had agreed on a "one voice" policy that was quickly abandoned. Nobody wanted to speak up for a fear of getting targeted, but they were all pretty pissed. Meanwhile, there was a scramble around camp to get Candice and Cirie, who smartly decided to stick together, to vote for Amanda and Steph.

Tribal council was a doozy, with James, Steph and eventually Colby and Tom really getting into it. In the end, Steph got voted out.

This was a huge mistake. I mostly like Steph. She's physically strong, and to vote out someone like that on the sixth day is a huge, disastrous mistake. Sure, she's a whiner, but put with that a bit more so you can, you know, avoid losing again. Between her and Amanda, I would have preferred the latter to leave. Amanda's kind of annoying, with her constant dopey, doe-eyed expressions that she probably thinks make her look innocent, but in reality make her look spaced out. Stephenie all the way.

I also love James, but he needs to shut the hell up, or else he's history. Please, James, stay quiet. I love you and your big muscles. Let me enjoy them a little while, okay?

The Villains were boring tonight, with the exception of Boston Rob's health scare. Tyson has been really quiet, to the point that I forget he's there until I see his scrawny body in his too-tiny bathing suit. I'd keep my eye on him, that's for sure. He may just slip under the radar long enough.

I really want the Villains to go to tribal, not just so the Heroes get a break, but because I'd love to see the dynamics and the alliances to really come into play for the first time. Fingers crossed!

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