Last night on LJ, I discovered this wonderful community:
Twilight Sucks. The title says it all - it's an anti-Twilight group. Hurrah! I joined quickly and have enjoyed reading the posts. I feel like I'm going to have to make a post there myself soon.
I mentioned the other night to a die-hard Twilight fan that Stephen King said Stephenie Meyer is a bad writer, and she was aghast. I told her I agreed with him, and she clearly thought I was crazy. So, today at work, I came up with a list of reasons why I agree with Mr. King. I'm sure these have been mentioned here before, but tough cookies, this is my blog and I'll repeat myself if I want to!
1. The Writing
a) Meyer really, really needs to invest in a thesaurus. The characters glare, growl, snarl and glower their way the all four of the novels. They're dark and moody, we get it! If you don't want to buy a thesaurus, there are plenty of online versions available. Learn it, love it, live it.
b) The purple prose. Oh God, the purple prose. It never ends!!
c) A lack of sophistication in the writing. There are few metaphors in the book, and 99.99% of them involve describing Edward as marble or statue-like. There is no symbolism. Essentially, what you see is what you get - there's no deeper meaning to her writing.
2. The Plot
a) It's really not that original, folks. A tortured vampire falls for some mortal chick - isn't that Dracula?
b) Nothing really happens. Of course, in every book there's some climax, but not before literally hundreds upon hundreds of pages of Bella angsting over shit. Ok, she's a teenager, but come
on. I want action, dammit, and I'm not really the action type of girl.
c) Where are all the conflicts?
i) Jacob vs. Edward: We're lead to believe that Bella must decide between the two, but give me a break. Did anyone even consider Bella would choose Jacob? What's the point in this "conflict" when everybody under the sun knows the end result?
ii) The Volturi, or whatever: First of all, they're kind of fruity. Secondly, this
wreaks of plot contrivance. "Ooh, a coven of ancient vampire bad boys coming from Italy coming to get me!" It was weak and I personally didn't care for this "conflict" at all.
3. The characters. Oh goodness me, the characters. This is a big one for me, and pretty much cements the argument that SMeyer is a crap writer.
a) Character development , or lack thereof. If anything, Bella regresses throughout the course of the series, but that's it. Also, we're given little to no backstory on the minor characters. They're just kinda...there.
b) Mary Sues. Dr. McPerfect, anyone? Carlisle is probably the one character who doesn't get on my nerves, but I still find it irritating at how perfect this character is. He's handsome, smart (a doctor!), wise, kind, even-tempered, rich...shall I continue? This man does not have one single flaw. Borrrrrring. And unrealisitc. Esme is like this, and you could argue that Alice falls under the same category too.
Now, to dissect the three main characters:
c) Jacob Black:
-Pedophile for imprinting on that baby (I can't bring myself to type its name)
-Forces Bella to kiss him against her will. THIS IS SEXUAL HARASSMENT, PEOPLE!
-Pretty much stalks her; follows her around; throws himself at her constantly while acting like she wants him to, even though she doesn't. More sexual harassment with an added bonus of being a stalker. Hawt.
d) Edward freaking Cullen. aka the "Perfect" boyfriend, except:
-He disables Bella's car so she can't visit Jacob. We're supposed to think that he's being sweet and protective. In actuality, this behaviour would be recognized to most normal people as a WARNING SIGN OF DOMESTIC ABUSE. EDWARD IS NOT BEING "PROTECTIVE," HE IS CONTROLLING HER BEHAVIOUR AND ACTIONS.
-He tells Bella not to see/talk to/be friends with Jacob. He also cuts Bella's ties with Alice whenver he feels the need to - most notably when he broke up with her. ISOLATION IS ANOTHER WARNING SIGN OF DOMESTIC ABUSE!
-He watches her in her sleep. He even did this before they were even friends. Hello, restraining order, anyone?!
e) Bella "Mary Sue" Swan:
-We're told that Bella is smart. After all, she reads Wuthering Heights and Romeo and Juliet, so she must be smart. Right? Right???
But clearly, Bella is the most braindead character to exist.
-Who needs a future and a post-secondary education when you have a boyfriend? (Bella gives up her college career to be with Edward.)
-Who needs friends when you have a boyfriend? (Bella gives up her friends the moment Edward looks her way. Except for Alice, and except for Jacob, unless Edward tells her no.)
-Who needs a family when you have a boyfriend and said boyfriend's family? (Bella pretty much doesn't give two shits about her mom and dad, unless it's needed for the plot. And Bella makes Edward go to Florida - fucking sunny Florida - when she visits her mom for a week. 'Cause who needs to spend quality time with their mom when you have a boyfriend, even though you haven't seen your mother for a long, long time?)
-Who needs hobbies, interests and activities when you have a boyfriend? (If Edward's not involved somehow, Bella's not interested. Even when she was all into the motorbikes, she only did it at the hopes at hearing his voice.)
-Who needs to live when you have a boyfriend? (Bella BECOMES A VAMPIRE for Edward. What the EFF?!?!?!?! She literally gives up her life for him. And she's only 18. How many of us marry our first loves? And how many of us look back on our first love and thank the lord we're not still with that person? Yeah, that's what I thought.)
-Also, Bella has no intentional character flaws (the above points I make surely were not intentional by the author, I can guarantee you that!). Oh wait, yes she does. She's a klutz! But it's so cute and adorable!
-She's a Mary Sue. Pretty, "smart," smells delish, is a perfect chef, has every boy under the sun in love with her. Riiight.
-When she becomes a vampire, she only takes a day or two to get used to it. As opposed to every other vampire, who has trouble adjusting to the change for years (case in point, Jasper).
-She has super vampire powers that she pretty much perfects almost straight away. AFJDSAJFSL;DKFJKLSFJSLDFS! Is it possible for Bella to struggle at something, SMeyer? Besides being a contributing and worthwhile member of (fictional) society, that is?
4. Lack of Professionalism
-When "Midnight Sun" was leaked onto the net, SMeyer was broken-hearted and put the book on the backburner.
a) Um, SMeyer? "Midnight Sun" isn't exactly a new story. It's sorta different, but it's really the same story told from a different perspective. In the long run, we all know how it will end, so is it a
huge deal that it got leaked??
b) Grow up. Yeah, the leak sucks, and I'm genuinely sorry that it happened. But move on. Pursue legal action, totally. That's your right. But be like J.K. Rowling and simply ask that those who have read it don't spoil it for those who have chosen not to. Ms. Rowling is a class act. SMeyer sounds like a spoilt child.
c) Rumouriffic, but apparently SMeyer has her brother screen her fan letters before she gets them. He weeds out the nasty, scary, mean ones. No one wants to read bad things about themselves or their craft, but I think a healthy dose of reality could do her some good. I'm not saying that someone should scream at her for all the things she did wrong in the book, but a little constructive criticism never hurt anyone. In fact, it could actually help her if she wants to be taken seriously as an author.
Okay, so I think that's all I have to say. When I pointed out this list to my friend, she thought I was exaggerating. Another Twilighter read it and thought it was funny.
Sigh. With some people, you just can't win.