Saturday, February 28, 2009

The 2009 Oscar Fashions Round-Up: Best Dressed

As promised, here's part two - the best dressed!


Sarah Jessica Parker - The "Ugliest Woman in Hollywood." While I sort of agree with that comment, I think she looks pretty great. The dress is both beautiful, and flirty and fun. Great choice, SJP!


Penelope Cruz - Congrats to the Oscar winner! While I wish Penel would come up with a different style (she's rocked similar styles in the past), she looks great. The dress is gorgeous and romantic, and her hairstyle perfectly compliments the dress. Lovely. (Sorry for the small pic, but Photobucket is a little cracked.)


Natalie Portman - I might be a little biased, because I simply adore Natalie Portman, but she looks fantabulous! The dress is gorgeous, and the colour is so much fun. She really stands out against the more typical Oscar gowns we saw, so way to go Nat!

And the award for Best Dressed goes to....


Kate Winslet - As usual, she looks elegant and classy. I usually don't dig two-tone dresses, but Kate pulls it off with her usual eloquence. Her hair and accessories are just right, too. Best dressed, best there anything this woman doesn't do well?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The 2009 Oscar Fashions Round-Up: Worst Dressed

I love me some Oscars. The glamour, the glitz, the way-too-long ceremony. All of it is fun. But the most fun part guessed it...the fashion! I've compiled my list of the best and worst dressed of the night.. Since this post is kind of long, this is my worst dressed list. Look for part two coming soon!


Miley Cyrus - Confession time, I don't actually hate this dress. I don't love it either, but it's not the worst thing in the world. It is a little bit much, and certainly something I'd never wear myself, but it's age-appropriate for a 16-year-old girl. So, keep trying, Miley. You have the potential.


Amanda Seyfried - What went wrong? She made my best dressed list for the Golden Globes - so what the heck happened? I'm really not feeling that giant bow, but even without it, her look is a little blah. The dress looks like it's made out of plastic, and her hair is too casual for such a big event. Sorry, Amanda. Better luck next time!


Tilda Swinton - A really boring, drab look for such a glamourous night? Please. This outfit doesn't do much for me.


Sophia Lauren - You'd think that such an acting legend would get this right, but I guess it goes to show you...we all still have a lot to learn. The dress is a cross between a 1980s high school prom queen and Belle's ball gown from Beauty and the Beast. Sorry Ms Lauren, but I think Belle's dress was prettier.

And the award for the worst dressed goes to....


Beyonce - While I think it's great she kept it all in the family (the dress is a design of her mother's), Beyonce should have gone for a different dress. It's unflattering on her figure, making her look much larger than she actually is, and the pattern is kinda hideous. Beyonce's a hit and miss kind of girl, and this was definitely a miss.

Look out for part two, the best dressed, coming soon!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

A Bittersweet Win

Congratulations to Heath Ledger for his much-deserved win for The Dark Knight. Some people believe that Mr. Ledger only won because he's no longer with us, but I respectfully disagree. A lot of these naysayers only voice this opinion to cause a stir, but for those who truly believe this sentiment - go see the movie. Watch Mr. Ledger's chilling performance, and try to argue that he didn't deserve the award.

We miss you, Heath. I'm proud of your accomplishments, but it's still sad that you're gone. Rest in peace.

Who else was moved by the Ledgers' speech? And the fact that pretty much everyone in the room was moved to tears by Heath's win? A truly bittersweet moment in Oscar history.

The scene that (probably) won Heath Ledger the Oscar. (Sorry it's only a link, but the person who posted the video disabled embedding.) Once again, congratulations Heath!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Chris Brown vs Rihanna

By now everyone's heard the story of Chris Brown beating up girlfriend Rihanna. What I want to talk about today is some people's reactions to the entire thing. But for clarification, I should point out that while I obviously don't and probably will never know what actually happened that night, I do in fact believe Chris Brown abused her. I'm sure there is some exaggeration in the reports, but he did apologize (half-heartedly), and you don't apologize for something that didn't happen.

I'm absolutely sickened by some of the reactions I've heard, all of them from women. Chris Brown has a lot of fans, and they all seem to be sticking by him. Ladies: This man hit a woman. Repeatedly. No matter who he is, this is inexcusable. If it came to be that Gerard Butler, who is my celebrity love, did that to a woman, I would be so digusted by this, I wouldn't know what to say. I would not continue to support him, nor would I make up excuses for that behaviour.

Friends of mine at work believe Rihanna "did this to herself" because she "seems like the type." Um, what? I don't honestly have a reply to that. I don't know what to say. I'm not really a Rihanna fan, but even I couldn't ever be that thoughtless and heartless. As it is, I feel so badly for her and can't imagine what it must be like to have to go through this.

Over at, a poster commented the following about the reported police photo from that night:

i believe that she provoked him into beating her down, and pretty much u can blame him 4 something he seen from his stepfather.

(Source: comments, #69.)

Another comment, on the same page, comment number 71:


I can't wrap my head around it. People actually believe that she provoked him and should have to suffer for it, and that Chris Brown isn't to blame because he saw it happen in his own household? Seriously? I wish I could tell these people

  1. Violence is never okay or excusable. Even if Rihanna did "provoke" him in some way, there is absolutely, positiviely no acceptable reason or excuse for Chris Brown hitting/hurting her in any capacity. The same goes for all women out there who have been abused by their husbands/boyfriends - and yes, to all the men out there who get abused by their wives/girlfriends. (It does happen.)
  2. Chris Brown should know better. If anything, he should have learned from his stepfather's mistakes. I have no idea whatsoever about his personal history, but if his stepfather was in fact beating up his [Chris's] mother, then he should know better than someone who has never witnessed abuse at all - know what it does to a person, and what the permanent effects of abuse are.

This should be taught in schools. If people really are that ignorant about abuse, then this sort of info should be grilled into people's heads: violence is not okay. Never ever, never once. (Well, with the exception of self-defense, but that's not the same thing.) And never should the victim be blamed for "provoking" or "asking" for it.

In conclusion, I hope Chris Brown's career goes down the tubes, and that he spends the rest of his life performing at malls and state fairs, at best. After he spends time in jail, of course. And Rihanna, and to any women out there who have to suffer through the same thing - stay strong. You're in our thoughts.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Video of the Week: #1

Here's your very first video of the week! The brand new, here-to-stay Simpsons intro. After 20something years, they've redone it. Ch-ch-check it out!

Thoughts: I like it! It's a little strange since I'm used to the old version, natch. But it's funny and cute. The only not-so-great change is Homer getting hit instead of screaming and running into the house. That scream is quintessential to the intro. Plus I love the Homer scream. But other than that, I like it! Thumbs up from this end.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Kristy and the Worst Young She-Goat Ever!

Here's an awesome way to kill time:

  1. Find a BSC book. This works best with stranger titles and not the simple ones, like Hello Mallory.
  2. Go to a site that can do translations. I recommend Alta Vista's Babel Fish.
  3. Type in the name of the title, then pick a foreign language, and hit translate.
  4. Once you get the translated title, copy and paste it into the text box (or wherever you typed the title).
  5. Select the language you just translated, and translate the text back into English. (If you picked Spanish in step three, for this step, translate from Spanish into English.)
  6. Voila! Hilarious titles ahoy! The phrase "lost in translation" has never been truer.

Some of my favourites include:

Little Miss Stoneybrook...and Dawn: Little Young Lady Stoneybrook...and Paddle

Dawn & the We Love Kids Club: Paddle and We Love You She-Goats Club

Get Well Soon, Mallory!: It Stars the Well, Mallory Soon!

Mallory Hates Boys (And Gym): Boys Mallory of the Hatred (And Gym)

Claudia Kishi, Middle School Drop-Out: Kishi of the Claude, Exit of the Average School

Claudia and the Recipe for Danger: Claude and the Perscription for Danger (This sounds like an actual title - Mystery #77: Claudia works at the pharmacy...)

Keep Out, Claudia!: Endure, Claudia!

Stacey and the Fahsion Victim: Stacey and the Way Victim

Kristy and the Walking Disaster: Kristy and the Running Calamity

Jessi's Big Break: Jessi's Large Discontinuance

Mary Anne Saves the Day: Mary Anne Keep the Day

Mary Anne and Miss Priss: Maria Anne and Priss of the Lack

But, in my opinion, these two take the cake:

Kristy and the Worst Kid Ever: Kristy and the Worst Young She-Goat Ever (Is she looking after Elivra?)

Logan Bruno, Boy Sitter: Dark Brown Logan, Kangaroo of the Boy

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy UnValentine's Day

I hate Valentine's Day.

It's not because I'm single and bitter that my stupid ex-boyfriend dumped me for his stupid ex-girlfriend. No, seriously. For years now I haven't liked the "holiday." Even when I have boyfriends I tell them not to bother or freak out or worry about about the day. The best V-Day date for me is hanging out with my boyfriend and watching a movie or something. Very simplistic, but that's my ideal date. (I had one boyfriend who was convinced I was lying when I said he didn't need to get me anything for the day. He thought I was tricking him. It was actually very cute. He got me a Valentine card - you know, the kind that you hand out when you're a kid. I still have it. It was the perfect present.)

Anyway, why, you may ask, do I hate the day? It's because it's a fake "holiday" that was designed by the greeting card companies. I know that's a cliched answer, but I believe it. It's designed to make you feel bad. When you're a kid and you don't get any valentines, or you didn't get as many as you thought you would, you feel bad. When you're older and you don't have a date, and the idea that being single is the OMG WORST THING EVER!!!!!! is shoved down your throat, you feel bad. When you do have a date, but it doesn't go well, or you don't get the present you wanted, or you felt like you screwed up because the expectations were so high, you feel bad. Why the hell do we celebrate a "holiday" that makes us feel bad?

I would love Valentine's Day if it were actually about love. If we celebrated everyone we love in our lives - your significant other, if you have one, but also you friends and family and children and pets. Whoever you love in your love, even if it really is your cat, you should celebrate it with them, and celebrate having all types of love in your life. Because that's what matters. Having people who you love and love you back is what matters the most. Having a romantic relationship is really important, I know, but it isn't the be-all, end-all thing of your existence. Family and friends matter too. People tend to forget that this time of the year.

So enjoy the day with whoever you love, whoever that may be! One of my favourite VDay memories is when my group of friends and I, plus my boyfriend at the time, went out for a simple dinner at a pub. Having almost all of my favourite people in one room was really fantastic. If you can do that tonight, do it!! It's more fun that chocolates and roses, trust me.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Retracting my "Noooooo"?

Two posts earlier I mentioned that T.R. and Katherine are leaving Grey's after this season. It makes sense, since George has barely been on the show the last few weeks, and Izzie has some sort of tumor or something that could kill her, so I was quick to believe it.

Apparently, though, I was wrong. According to Shonda Rhimes,

That was a very interesting rumour. And it's not true. That was absolutely taken out of context. Things happen, and I think rumours become fact very easily. And you know I don't like to tell you what's going to happen on the show - but that is a rumour.

I'm still a bit skeptical, since evidence to the contrary is overwhelming. But all I can do is sit back and wait for the storylines to unfold.

Something I don't understand is why people say the show sucks or is a mess. How? The last several episodes - all in recent memory - have been excellent. The majority of this season has been excellent, too. Sure, there were a few stray storylines/episodes, but every season of every show in the history of television is like that.

I personally believe that people complain because they're comparing it (Grey's) to what they first saw. Since the show isn't exactly like that anymore, it apparently sucks. It doesn't, though. The characters and stories change because they have to - it would get boring if they didn't. Yes, two strong characters left (Burke and Addison), and that's a shame. But they have a wonderful, if slightly too large, cast remaining. The quality of the show is still fantastic. I believe that the show got away from the creators a little bit around the middle of season four, but after it came back from the writer's strike, it was great again. And this season has been compelling - Owen Hunt is one of the best new characters they've ever created.

So, for all of you that think that the show sucks - first, stop bitching. Secondly, enjoy the show for what it is. Stop comparing the show to previous seasons and just enjoy what's going on. Trust me, you'll be happier this way.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Housekeeping & Koalas

Hello all! As you may have noticed, there are a few changes to my blog. First, the name and domain have been changed. Why? Well, why not? It was time for a change - I wasn't feeling Chubbie's Famous anymore. It was time to go girlier. Sweet on the Lips is more fun and feminine, so there you go! I also went with a pink theme, as you may have noticed. So update your bookmarks, is now!

Also, I'm going to add a new feature to my blog: video of the week! Once a week - and it will most likely vary as to which day - I'll post a video. It might be funny, it might be serious, who knows? I sure as heck don't.

Next on the docket will be another anti-Twilight essay (I know, I know, I shouldn't be wasting my time on something I don't like. Except that I have a lot to say on the issue, and I'm not done yet). This time, it will be a more in-depth look at Stephenie's decision to postpone Midnight Sun indefinitely. So stay tuned.

A treat for you and me: Koala Cuteness!

Happy Hump Day!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


According to Perez Hilton, Katherine Heigl and T.R. Knight are quitting Grey's. In other words, my favourite characters will be GONE after this season.

I'm so disappointed. Katherine Heigl I can understand, she's getting too big for her britches. It's funny how she's this supposed mega movie star, but um...she's been in two popular movies, one of which was completely panned by the critics. That doesn't mean she's a star.

But T.R.! Why, George? Why?!?!?!? I'm heartbroken.

It's sad that two of the main characters - characters who have been around since the beginning of the show - will be missing. Who's next, McDreamy and Bailey?

You suck, Shondra, for not trying hard enough to keep George on board. You suck-diddly-uck.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Twilight Bashing - An Essay

Last night on LJ, I discovered this wonderful community: Twilight Sucks. The title says it all - it's an anti-Twilight group. Hurrah! I joined quickly and have enjoyed reading the posts. I feel like I'm going to have to make a post there myself soon.

I mentioned the other night to a die-hard Twilight fan that Stephen King said Stephenie Meyer is a bad writer, and she was aghast. I told her I agreed with him, and she clearly thought I was crazy. So, today at work, I came up with a list of reasons why I agree with Mr. King. I'm sure these have been mentioned here before, but tough cookies, this is my blog and I'll repeat myself if I want to!

1. The Writing
a) Meyer really, really needs to invest in a thesaurus. The characters glare, growl, snarl and glower their way the all four of the novels. They're dark and moody, we get it! If you don't want to buy a thesaurus, there are plenty of online versions available. Learn it, love it, live it.

b) The purple prose. Oh God, the purple prose. It never ends!!

c) A lack of sophistication in the writing. There are few metaphors in the book, and 99.99% of them involve describing Edward as marble or statue-like. There is no symbolism. Essentially, what you see is what you get - there's no deeper meaning to her writing.

2. The Plot

a) It's really not that original, folks. A tortured vampire falls for some mortal chick - isn't that Dracula?

b) Nothing really happens. Of course, in every book there's some climax, but not before literally hundreds upon hundreds of pages of Bella angsting over shit. Ok, she's a teenager, but come on. I want action, dammit, and I'm not really the action type of girl.

c) Where are all the conflicts?
i) Jacob vs. Edward: We're lead to believe that Bella must decide between the two, but give me a break. Did anyone even consider Bella would choose Jacob? What's the point in this "conflict" when everybody under the sun knows the end result?

ii) The Volturi, or whatever: First of all, they're kind of fruity. Secondly, this wreaks of plot contrivance. "Ooh, a coven of ancient vampire bad boys coming from Italy coming to get me!" It was weak and I personally didn't care for this "conflict" at all.

3. The characters. Oh goodness me, the characters. This is a big one for me, and pretty much cements the argument that SMeyer is a crap writer.
a) Character development , or lack thereof. If anything, Bella regresses throughout the course of the series, but that's it. Also, we're given little to no backstory on the minor characters. They're just kinda...there.

b) Mary Sues. Dr. McPerfect, anyone? Carlisle is probably the one character who doesn't get on my nerves, but I still find it irritating at how perfect this character is. He's handsome, smart (a doctor!), wise, kind, even-tempered, rich...shall I continue? This man does not have one single flaw. Borrrrrring. And unrealisitc. Esme is like this, and you could argue that Alice falls under the same category too.

Now, to dissect the three main characters:

c) Jacob Black:
-Pedophile for imprinting on that baby (I can't bring myself to type its name)
-Forces Bella to kiss him against her will. THIS IS SEXUAL HARASSMENT, PEOPLE!
-Pretty much stalks her; follows her around; throws himself at her constantly while acting like she wants him to, even though she doesn't. More sexual harassment with an added bonus of being a stalker. Hawt.

d) Edward freaking Cullen. aka the "Perfect" boyfriend, except:
-He disables Bella's car so she can't visit Jacob. We're supposed to think that he's being sweet and protective. In actuality, this behaviour would be recognized to most normal people as a WARNING SIGN OF DOMESTIC ABUSE. EDWARD IS NOT BEING "PROTECTIVE," HE IS CONTROLLING HER BEHAVIOUR AND ACTIONS.
-He tells Bella not to see/talk to/be friends with Jacob. He also cuts Bella's ties with Alice whenver he feels the need to - most notably when he broke up with her. ISOLATION IS ANOTHER WARNING SIGN OF DOMESTIC ABUSE!
-He watches her in her sleep. He even did this before they were even friends. Hello, restraining order, anyone?!

e) Bella "Mary Sue" Swan:
-We're told that Bella is smart. After all, she reads Wuthering Heights and Romeo and Juliet, so she must be smart. Right? Right???
But clearly, Bella is the most braindead character to exist.
-Who needs a future and a post-secondary education when you have a boyfriend? (Bella gives up her college career to be with Edward.)
-Who needs friends when you have a boyfriend? (Bella gives up her friends the moment Edward looks her way. Except for Alice, and except for Jacob, unless Edward tells her no.)
-Who needs a family when you have a boyfriend and said boyfriend's family? (Bella pretty much doesn't give two shits about her mom and dad, unless it's needed for the plot. And Bella makes Edward go to Florida - fucking sunny Florida - when she visits her mom for a week. 'Cause who needs to spend quality time with their mom when you have a boyfriend, even though you haven't seen your mother for a long, long time?)
-Who needs hobbies, interests and activities when you have a boyfriend? (If Edward's not involved somehow, Bella's not interested. Even when she was all into the motorbikes, she only did it at the hopes at hearing his voice.)
-Who needs to live when you have a boyfriend? (Bella BECOMES A VAMPIRE for Edward. What the EFF?!?!?!?! She literally gives up her life for him. And she's only 18. How many of us marry our first loves? And how many of us look back on our first love and thank the lord we're not still with that person? Yeah, that's what I thought.)

-Also, Bella has no intentional character flaws (the above points I make surely were not intentional by the author, I can guarantee you that!). Oh wait, yes she does. She's a klutz! But it's so cute and adorable!
-She's a Mary Sue. Pretty, "smart," smells delish, is a perfect chef, has every boy under the sun in love with her. Riiight.
-When she becomes a vampire, she only takes a day or two to get used to it. As opposed to every other vampire, who has trouble adjusting to the change for years (case in point, Jasper).
-She has super vampire powers that she pretty much perfects almost straight away. AFJDSAJFSL;DKFJKLSFJSLDFS! Is it possible for Bella to struggle at something, SMeyer? Besides being a contributing and worthwhile member of (fictional) society, that is?

4. Lack of Professionalism
-When "Midnight Sun" was leaked onto the net, SMeyer was broken-hearted and put the book on the backburner.

a) Um, SMeyer? "Midnight Sun" isn't exactly a new story. It's sorta different, but it's really the same story told from a different perspective. In the long run, we all know how it will end, so is it a huge deal that it got leaked??

b) Grow up. Yeah, the leak sucks, and I'm genuinely sorry that it happened. But move on. Pursue legal action, totally. That's your right. But be like J.K. Rowling and simply ask that those who have read it don't spoil it for those who have chosen not to. Ms. Rowling is a class act. SMeyer sounds like a spoilt child.

c) Rumouriffic, but apparently SMeyer has her brother screen her fan letters before she gets them. He weeds out the nasty, scary, mean ones. No one wants to read bad things about themselves or their craft, but I think a healthy dose of reality could do her some good. I'm not saying that someone should scream at her for all the things she did wrong in the book, but a little constructive criticism never hurt anyone. In fact, it could actually help her if she wants to be taken seriously as an author.

Okay, so I think that's all I have to say. When I pointed out this list to my friend, she thought I was exaggerating. Another Twilighter read it and thought it was funny.

Sigh. With some people, you just can't win.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Dear Stephen King...


Mr. King agrees with me in the Jo vs. Steph debate I mentioned a while back - between the two authoresses, Jo is superior:

Both Rowling and Meyer, they’re speaking directly to young
people. … The real difference is that
Jo Rowling is a
terrific writer and Stephenie Meyer can’t write worth a darn. She’s not very

I couldn't agree with you more, Mr. King!

(Source: Perez Hilton)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A Note From a Non-Gamer

I'm not much of a gamer. Really the only thing I play with any regularity is The Sims. Growing up, we had a Nintendo, a Super Nintendo and an N64. By the time the next console came out - whatever it was - I had sort of lost interest in video games. This Christmas, though, we got a Wii.

An interesting thing about the Wii is that they - Nintendo - have advertised it as the system for everyone. Hardcore gamers, someone who has never played a game in his or her life, and everyone in between. Nintendo, I'd have to respectfully disagree.

One game I love is Mario Kart. I played the SNES version about a million times, and since we own the N64 version, I've spent countless hours playing it over the years. For Christmas we got Mario Kart Wii, and I was psyched. But to my dismay, I discovered that you have to unlock certain characters, vehicles and even tracks. In order to unlock these items, you have to win place first in a Grand Prix race. Now, to be fair, they make it incredibly easy for you to win, at least in the 50 cc races (which are the easiest). I still have to make it through the 100 cc and 150 cc races in order to have access to everything.

I really don't like this. As I said, I'm not much of a gamer. Chances are I won't be able to win first place in those 150 cc races, or possibly even the 100 cc races. I think it's silly that in order to have 100% access to a game I paid for, I have to win these challenges that I don't have the skills for. That's one reason I loved that Mario Karts past - you just turn it on and play. There's no story or boss to beat - you just race.

Unfortunately, this seems to be a trend in Nintendo games. We recently got Mario Party 8, and again - you have to unlock certain characters and boards to play. This is really frustrating. I can understand doing the unlocking thing for games designed for hardcore gamers, who actually have the skills to unlock these items. But for those of us who aren't, it's just annoying.

I officially feel like the biggest nerd for blogging about video games, but there you have it. I swear I'm not really a nerd. Really!