Tuesday, February 10, 2009


According to Perez Hilton, Katherine Heigl and T.R. Knight are quitting Grey's. In other words, my favourite characters will be GONE after this season.

I'm so disappointed. Katherine Heigl I can understand, she's getting too big for her britches. It's funny how she's this supposed mega movie star, but um...she's been in two popular movies, one of which was completely panned by the critics. That doesn't mean she's a star.

But T.R.! Why, George? Why?!?!?!? I'm heartbroken.

It's sad that two of the main characters - characters who have been around since the beginning of the show - will be missing. Who's next, McDreamy and Bailey?

You suck, Shondra, for not trying hard enough to keep George on board. You suck-diddly-uck.

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