Sunday, February 22, 2009

A Bittersweet Win

Congratulations to Heath Ledger for his much-deserved win for The Dark Knight. Some people believe that Mr. Ledger only won because he's no longer with us, but I respectfully disagree. A lot of these naysayers only voice this opinion to cause a stir, but for those who truly believe this sentiment - go see the movie. Watch Mr. Ledger's chilling performance, and try to argue that he didn't deserve the award.

We miss you, Heath. I'm proud of your accomplishments, but it's still sad that you're gone. Rest in peace.

Who else was moved by the Ledgers' speech? And the fact that pretty much everyone in the room was moved to tears by Heath's win? A truly bittersweet moment in Oscar history.

The scene that (probably) won Heath Ledger the Oscar. (Sorry it's only a link, but the person who posted the video disabled embedding.) Once again, congratulations Heath!

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