Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Housekeeping & Koalas

Hello all! As you may have noticed, there are a few changes to my blog. First, the name and domain have been changed. Why? Well, why not? It was time for a change - I wasn't feeling Chubbie's Famous anymore. It was time to go girlier. Sweet on the Lips is more fun and feminine, so there you go! I also went with a pink theme, as you may have noticed. So update your bookmarks, is now!

Also, I'm going to add a new feature to my blog: video of the week! Once a week - and it will most likely vary as to which day - I'll post a video. It might be funny, it might be serious, who knows? I sure as heck don't.

Next on the docket will be another anti-Twilight essay (I know, I know, I shouldn't be wasting my time on something I don't like. Except that I have a lot to say on the issue, and I'm not done yet). This time, it will be a more in-depth look at Stephenie's decision to postpone Midnight Sun indefinitely. So stay tuned.

A treat for you and me: Koala Cuteness!

Happy Hump Day!

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