Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from Sweet on the Lips! I hope you all had a great holiday - I certainly did! It's hard to believe that Christmas 2009 is almost over - it definitely came way too fast for my liking. But I had a fantastic, wonderful day, and there are more fun things to look forward to!

Merry Christmas, one and all!


Friday, December 18, 2009

Top 5: Best Christmas Movies of all Time

It's hard to believe, but Christmas is only a week away. I had a busy couple of weeks with school, so I'm not really in the Christmas spirit yet. One thing that does it for me, though, is watching some of my favourite Christmas movies. So, naturally I had to create a Top 5!

5. Home Alone (1990)

This movie was a smash hit when it came out, and it's not hard to see why. 8-year-old Kevin McAllister gets left behind when his big family heads to Paris for Christmas, and unluckily for him, two burglars - Harvy and Marv, known as the Wet Bandits - having been casin' the joint and decide to break in. They realize that Kevin's around, and for some reason plot revenge on him. I guess they really wanted to rob his house. Kevin sets up an awesome Rube Goldberg-esque contraption of tricks that pretty much beats the crap out of them and scares them off until they get arrested. Kevin's mom comes home and all is well. Say it with me now: awww!

Reasons to love this movie: It's pretty much every kid's dream: being home alone and getting to do whatever you want and outsmarting a pair of adults. Add some comedic violence to the mix, and you've got yourself a hit!

Plus, there's the adorable Macaulay Culkin. This film catapaulted him into childhood stardom, and his signature hands-on-his-face-screaming-AHHHHHH! was mimicked by millions of people for years (and is still recognizable today). Kevin is likeable and smart - we, as the audience, are definitely on his side from the get-go. Plus, he's just so darn cute!

The film also packs a surprising emotional punch. It's hard not to tear up a little when Kevin is reunited with his family, and there's a sidestory of Kevin's lonely neighbour, Marley, who saves Kevin when Harvey and Marv trap him. Marley seems mysterious and creepy when we first see him, but it turns out he's lonley because of his estrangement with his son. At the end of the film, Kevin convinces Marley call his son, and sure enough, father and son are reunited, and it's all very heartwarming.

Also - John Candy has small role in the movie. RIP Mr. Candy, you were a legend.

Favourite Moment: It's hard not to love the climax, when Harv and Marv fall right into Kevin's boobytraps, but my favourite moment has to be when Kevin stages an elaborate "party" with dummies on strings and a cardboard cutout of some basketball player taped to a toy train. Smart idea!

4. Christmas Vacation (1989)

Considered a must-see at every holiday season, the movie has Clark Griswold (Chevy Chase) try to bring the Christmas spirit to his slightly insane, often unappreciating family, only to be thwarted time and again. It's one of those movies that does better to be seen rather than described, so I urge you to get your hands on it, or just wait for it to be played on TV. Trust me, there's no way you can possibly miss it, since dozens of channels play it multiple times. (Not that I'm complaining!)

Reasons to love this movie: It's funny! The laugh out loud kind of funny. It has its touching moments - you just can't help but feel sorry for Clark when everything keeps going wrong, but you also can't help laughing either.

This may or may not be a reason to love the movie, but it inspired many people to put up their Christmas lights, Griswold-style (see below).

Favourite moment: There are many, but my two favourites are when the Griswolds, out to buy their Christmas tree, end up underneath an 18-wheeler (it sounds kind of gruesome when I put it that way, but it's actually a hilarious moment), and when Clark goes tobagganing. See it to believe it, folks.

3. While You Were Sleeping (1995)

I've probably seen this movie at least 50 times. I know almost all of the dialouge, and yet somehow, I love it more every time I see it. It's about a young woman named Lucy (Sandra Bullock) who lives alone and spends her days working at the subway in love with a stranger (Peter Gallagher), On Christmas day, the stranger gets pushed onto the tracks and Lucy saves his life. At the hospital, though, there's a mix up, and a well-meaning nurse tells everyone-the doctors, police, Stranger's family- that Lucy is his fiancee. The family adopts Lucy as one of their own, and since she has no family, and since Stranger (whose name is Peter) is in a coma, she goes along with it. Things get even more complicate when she meets Jack, Peter's brother, played by Bill Pullman, and realizes she's falling for him. Peter wakes up, and things get even more complicated. It ends happily, more or less, but I won't spoil it for you.

Reasons to love this movie: A lot of reasons. A great cast, a great script, a fun story. I love how every character is well developed and has his or her own voice. There are no "types" in the film: no comedically overly-sexualized grandmother, no bitchy mother-in-law. Lucy's likeable, but she's not the "oh I'm so beautiful even though I pretend I'm not, and I'm soooo perfect but like totally not aware of it!" heroine of more recent romcoms. Even the minor characters are likeable and not steretyped, which is awesome. No horny and single or gay best friend in site! Thank God!

(Note: I'm not against gay people at all. I just hate how so many romantic comedies make the heroine's bff a gay man. So not original, movie makers. Same goes with the female best friend who is horny and single and pathetically desperate. Not original.)

Anyway, there a lot of little moments that make the movie shine - the paper boy slipping on the ice, Lucy draping her cat in tinsel when she's decorating, that kind of thing.

Plus, it's a sweet movie. It'll give you the warm fuzzies, if nothing else.

Favourite moment: The scene where Lucy and Jack have to cross a patch of ice to get to her apartment. It's hilarious and always makes me laugh. It's also the moment where they fall for each other! *cue The Look of Love.

2. The Santa Clause (1994)

Ah, an old favourite. My childhood best friend and I used to watch this every Christmas Eve day and get terribly excited for Christmas. I watched it the other day for the first time in years, and I still love it.

Scott Calvin (Tim Allen) is kind of a jerky divorcee who doesn't spend much time with his (and I have to admit it) whiny brat of a child, Charlie. Charlie spends Christmas Eve with Scott, and in the middle of it, Scott accidentally kills Santa and has to take his place. At first Scott resists becoming the new Kris Kringle, but it brings him closer to Charlie, so he goes with it. Things turn sour when Charlie's mom, Laura, thinks Scott is being a bad parent for letting Charlie believe all this Your-Dad-is-Santa business, and Scott's vistation rights are taken away and it's pretty sad. But no worries, things turn out well in the end!

Reasons to love this movie: It's a really fun premise that just seems so cool to a kid. I mean, really. Your dad is Santa? Pretty much the coolest dad ever. Plus, Tim Allen is hilarious, and there are some really great jokes that go over kids' heads when they watch it. But there are some emotional moments, too - such as when Scott is no longer allowed to see Charlie. Have some Kleenex on standby.

Favouriet moment: The scenes where Scott has to act as Santa are pretty damn funny. Scott's grumbling and groaning, knocking trees over and essentially scarring children for life. But I also love seeing Scott and Charlie arrive at the North Pole for the first time - it's pretty magical.

And the best Christmas movie is...

1. Love Actually (2003)

Definitely my favourite Christmas movie, and one of my favourite movies, period. It's a little complicated to describe, since there are multiple plots that intertwine. But it's a comedy with pretty much every famous British person ever.

Reasons to love this movie: It's just so good! Everyone will enjoy at least one of the plots, if not all. It's funny and original, and unlike many romantic comedies, not every story ends happily. Some of them just end, period, and I love it. There are also some moments that will have you tearing up. Hell, the opening sequence does it for me.

Sorry it's a link, but every single scene had embedding turned off.

And did I mention it's funny? Because it is. I've seen this movie a dozen times and I still laugh out loud constantly throughout. And there's always something new to laugh at, too.

Favourite moment: I seriously can't choose. I can't even choose my favourite storyline. Any time Bill Nighy pops up, it's sure to be comedy gold. And there's the whole lobsters in the Nativity play thing, and Rowan Atkinson being awesome...oh, and the wedding scene, and the - well, pretty much the whole movie.

I think it's kind of awesome that I was one of the few people I know who actually saw this movie in theatres. One friend saw it as well, but she's the only one. And yet now this movie is hugely popular. I was ahead of the curve. But that's just how I roll.

Happy holidays, everyone!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

How Have I NOT posted this? (Or, Video of the Week #14)

I can't believe this wasn't one of my first posts back when I was Chubbies Famous. To make up for that, I present to you...

This makes me LOL big time. I like how they never actually finished it. They never did make it through the scene, so they scrapped it entirely. And this was a classic example of what happened when you put Rider and Will in a scene together, apparently. So if you were wondering why Shawn and Eric never really interacted,'s your answer!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Ho Ho Ho! It's a Christmas Special Extravaganza!!

Merry December, boys & girls! Yes, it’s that time of the year again. As a student, I find this time of year stressful and anxiety-ridden, until my final final exam is over and done with. So, needless to say, I often have a hard time getting into the Christmas spirit until right before the Big Day.

One thing that gets me in the mood? Christmas specials. I love Christmas specials. Below, my list for some of the greatest specials of all time. Two things to note: some of these specials are impossible to find online. I know, right? So apologies for not having videos for everything on the list. Also, note the difference between Christmas specials and Christmas movies. There is a difference, but a lot of other people who’ve discussed this tend to get mixed up. I’ll post my favourite Christmas movies (probably a top 5) and perhaps a top 5 of Christmas episodes of various television shows. But for now, enjoy!

10. Rudolph. It’s a little dated, sure, but you can’t go through the holidays without watching this one. It’s cute, it’s sweet, it’s classic. Yes, Rudolph’s voice can get a little irritating, but it’ll get you in the mood for Christmas, if nothing else. (Plus, there’s a great moment in a Christmas episode of That ‘70s Show, where they discuss Rudolph’s sexuality and it’s frigging hilarious! “Rudolph has a girlfriend! Clarisse. If anyone’s gay, it’s Herbie. No straight elf has hair like that!!!”)

9. A Charlie Brown Christmas. Much like It’s The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!, this one is a must. The scene where they sing by the tree is pretty legendary.

8. Dr. Suess's How The Grinch Stole Christmas. Duh. Who doesn’t love this one? It doesn’t feel like Christmas without the Grinch. Plus,“You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch” is so darn catchy!

7. Frosty the Snowman. This was – and still is – one of my favourites of all time. I watched it at least 1,000 times as a kid, and watching it now brings me back. Maybe it’s the nostalgic in me, but I think this is one of the greatest cartoons specials of all time.

6. 'Twas the Night Before Christmas. I completely forgot about this one until recently, I admit, but it was a favourite of mine when I was pretty young. It's a cute retelling of the original poem by the same name, with a mouse family as the main characters, and it stars Joel Grey. Joel + cartoon mice = a winning combination. Trust me.

5. A Pinky & the Brain Christmas. A more modern classic, but a classic it is nevertheless. Watch and enjoy – just make sure you have plenty of Kleenex when the Brain reads Pinky’s letter to Santa towards the end.

4. Care Bears Nutcracker Suite. I watched the Care Bears every morning when I was young, and I always loved this special. It lasted several episodes, since it’s quite a long story, but their version of the ultimate Christmas tradition is one worth catching. If you can. And if you do, let me know. It’s been too long since I’ve seen it.

Note: I can't find a clip of this freaking episode anywhere, so we have to make do with a picture. Sorry, gang. I'll call Veronica Mars, maybe she can help.

3. Winnie the Pooh and Christmas Too. Pooh and the gang have always been a favourite of mine, so it’s not a shock that their Christmas special made this list. It’s a sweet story with loveable characters – what’s not to love?

2. A Garfield Christmas Special. Another one of my favourites – I’ve seen this one many a time, too. This particular special actually packs quite the punch – watch the scene where Grandma is looking over her old letters from her now-deceased husband and reminiscing her life with him. I defy you to watch that scene and not get misty-eyed. Defy you, I say.

And finally...

1. Mickey’s Christmas Carol. If I had to choose just one Christmas special to give the title of My Absolute Favourite, it would be this one. Like Frosty, it could be the nostalgia factor, as I watched this incarnation of the Dickens classic about 1,000 times, too. I’ve seen many versions of A Christmas Carol, including the amazing Jim Carrey production that came out a few weeks ago, but Mickey and the gang really bring it to the table for me. It’s a little short, but hey, it was meant for kids, after all. I have to watch this special every year, or it doesn’t quite feel like Christmas.

And there you have it. Have fun watching them!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Top 5: Bands You Listened to in the '90s (Even if You Don't Want to Admit it!)

Yep, the title says it all. Let's just get started, shall we?

5. Prozzak

I never jumped aboard the Prozzak bandwagon, thankfully. I guess I was already ashamed that this group comes from my country; I couldn't very well enjoy their music. And really, if you were a fan of the Euro-inspired duo, you had to be a little bit shameless.

Their first album (I know, I couldn't believe they released more than one album!) came out in 1999. Hits such as Sucks to be you and Strange Disease helped the group achieve a shocking platinum status - meaning 1,00,000+ copies of the album were sold. Just stop and think about that for a sec - over one million people bought the Prozzak record. And this was in the days of Napster, so it's not like these songs were unavailable anywhere other than a music store.

Prozzak released another album in 2000, with "hits" like www.nevergetoveryou and Be As, which also went platinum. The group was even nominated for two Juno awards - which is the Canadian equivalent of a Grammy. No, seriously. They were.

Thankfully, Prozzak eventually faded into obscurity. They apparently released another album back in 2005, but much to my merriment, they never re-gained the same level of success. I'm not a heartless bitch; I don't take pleasure in other people's misfortunes (much). But I'm damn pleased that my ears were spared this time around.

Sucks to be you. I dare you to listen to this song and not get it stuck in your head for days on end. Go on. I dare you!

http://www.nevergetoveryou/. That this video has over a quarter of a million hits concerns me. What is wrong with people?! Also, that's not a real website. Way to lie, Prozzak. Or at least, way to be too cheap to make a tie-in website.

2. b4-4, 5ive & Other Shitty Boybands

But all boybands are shitty! you might be protesting. Well, yes and no. You're talking to a hardcore BSB fan here, so I can't completely agree with that statement without being a hypocrite. I bought into the boyband phenomenon pretty hard, but even I had to admit, there were a lot of terrible ripoffs. These were the ones who, inspired by my boys' success and desperate for a taste, got thrown together with a bunch of strangers with bland but not completely appalling looks and mediocre talent, given inoffensive but catchy music and cleverly choreographed dance routines. Sure, some groups achieved a minor hit or two, but none of them were ever long-lasting or outstandingly successful. Let's take a look, shall we?

One of b4-4's bigger hits, Go Go. WTF is up with the beginning? Though I'd probably scream like a bitch if I looked into the mirror and saw a member of b4-4 standing behind me.

For your amusement:

You're welcome. Also, I take back what I said about their songs being inoffensive. I'm not offended by this song, but good god. Way to be subtle, guys.

And before I wrap up on this monstrosity of a "band," I'll share with you an amusing anecdote. About two years ago, my friend dragged me on a singles cruise. (It was not my idea.) Some guy started chatting me up, and his friend buddy told me that he (the guy talking to me) was from b4-4. I kinda believed it, because the guy desperately trying to hit on me looked kinda like he could be related to the b4-4 guys, and they've faded into enough nothingness that it wasn't entirely impossible that a guy from b4-4 would voluntarily go on a singles cruise. True story.

5ive's When the Lights Go Out proves that not everything Simon Cowell touches turns to gold. They actually had quite the success in the UK, selling an impressive and, quite frankly, astounding 20,000,000 albums by 2001. Sadly for them, they never achieved any international success, as after a couple of semi-popular songs of theirs were released overseas, they were never heard from again. Thanks to Ed the Sock, I pronounce their name "Five ive." Ha.

O-Town. Truth be told, they weren't as bad as the aforementioned groups in this category. I never became a big fan, nor did I ever watch their show, but I liked one or two of their songs. Liquid Dreams is not one of them. It's a cringe-worthy song, not unlike b4-4's Get Down. I appreciate they're trying to be edgy (or, as edgy as boybands can get), but 5 20-something guys singing about wet dreams? That's just embarassing.

3. The Moffatts

Ah, the original Jonas Brothers. When these guys came out, I wasn't really a fan - though I seemed to be in the minority. Lots of my friends loved them, even going as far as following them around concert to concert. One met them outside their van at a show and gave a Moffatt a lei, and made the cliched "You just got lei'd!" joke, but it turned into an internet rumour that they actually had sex. True story.

Like them or not, the Moffatts weren't terrible. Their songs were cute, they were cute (well, more so when they got older) and they played their own instruments. What more could a 13-year-old fangirl wish for? Not much, I tell ya.

Girl of My Dreams, one of their bigger hits. The Moffatts were moderately successful, selling a few million records worldwide with their first mainstream album, Chapter One: A New Beginning. Eventually they grew up, and their sound started to change. However, it wasn't long for this world - they split up in 2001.

Damn, that song is catchy. And damn, that one Moffatt is pretty hot. I feel a little dirty for saying that.

2. GooGoo Dolls

Placing the Dolls on this list may surprise you, as most (okay, all) of the groups I've mentioned thus far have been pretty crappy and not terribly successful. But it's hard to think about popular '90s music without thinking of the GooGoo Dolls.

Goo Goo Dolls - Iris
Uploaded by ttetrd. - See the latest featured music videos.

Thanks, Dailymotion. It's officially impossible to find this video on YouTube.

Anyway. The Dolls were quite successful, having several Top 40s hits, Grammy noms and many songs used in popular 90s movies. Really, what more sucess do you need than that? Also, fans of the Dolls, don't sweat, they've got a new album coming out early next year.

And, winner of this round's Top 5 is...

1. soulDecision

Hot damn, I loved this group. Trevor, the main singer, was a total hottie. Plus, their music was fun and sweet and - dare I say? - sexy. Well, on occasion. You'll be hard-pressed to find a copy of it, but originally in Faded, the lyrics go "When I get you all alone/I'm gonna take off all your clothes." I mean, come on. That's pretty hot to an inexperienced tween.

This was their biggest hit, and it's easy to see why - it's pretty damn catchy. They had other songs that were actually really good, like Ooh It's Kinda Crazy and Let's Do it Right. They only ever achieved a moderate success, selling around 1,000,00ish copies of their first album, but they were always a smash hit in my heart.

There you have it. This is probably the most fun I've ever had posting on my blog! I hope you enjoyed reading it.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

One of These Things is Not Like The Other...

I present to you a link that was brought to my attention:

15 Literary Characters We'd Totally Sleep With.

Take a look at number three.

Logan Bruno, from the BSC.

Seriously? Seriously? Atticus Finch, Erik from The Phantom of the Opera, Jay Gatsby...and Logan Bruno? Some of the greatest and most influential literary characters of all time...and Logan Bruno?

Good grief.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

WAR! What is it good for? (Or, Boy Meets World 6.12, Cutting the Cord)

No, your eyes aren't deceiving you. I'm actually a) updating so soon after my last post, and b) doing a BMW recap. Two-for-one, I know. I'll let it sink in a minute.

All better? Good. Without further rambling, here's a recap I randomly decided to do. My recapping skills are a little rusty, so please bear with me.

Episode Overview: Eric takes Amy to Lamaze class, since Alan is nowhere to be found. He rushes in late, admitting he sidetracked looking at Harleys. He confesses that he’s worried about having the new baby at this stage in his life because he doesn’t have the energy to keep up with it the way he did with his other children. Eric points out that playing baseball isn’t what makes Alan a great father: it’s that he’s always been there for his children. At another Lamaze class, Alan saves the day when one of the women goes into labour. He realizes he’s ready to take on this new baby, even though things will be a little different this time around.

Meanwhile, Shawn and Angela draw up a restraining order against Cory and Topanga, forbidding them to butt into their relationship (or lack thereof). They both go on dates for the first time since their break-up, and end up at the same restaurant. Shawn is miserable with his date until he sees Angela with hers, and he and Kelly (his date) even try to outdo Angela and Ron (her date) in a karaoke competition. However, when Kelly holds his hand, he freaks out and has to leave. He later confesses to Cory and Topanga that he’s scared he’ll never have a relationship like theirs because he might be incapable of loving someone. Cory tries to convince him otherwise, but Shawn doesn’t listen.

At the end of the episode, the gang, minus Shawn, is hanging around the student union, laughing together. Shawn sees them, all happy together, and leaves.

The Good:

• This is the karaoke episode! Cory and Topanga sing “War” at the end of the episode, and it’s hilarious.

Hahaha! I wish we could have seen this side of them more often. Especially Topanga. I know it's just Danielle Fishel breaking character, but it's nice to see Topanga let loose every once in while!

• I love Eric filling in for Alan in Amy’s Lamaze class. He’s so sweet.

• I also love that Eric answers the door by saying “Come!”

• Alan visiting Eric at the apartment. Gotta love it.

• “Middle-east crisis.” Ha.

• Jack’s step-dad went through a mid-life crisis too. He bought a Ferrari. He also smashed it up.

Oh, Jack's rich step-father.

• I always like it, even though it’s rare, when the adults come to the kids for advice in the later episodes. It’s nice getting to see the kids dispense some words of wisdom instead of the other way around. I also like seeing the adults interact with the “non-regulars” like Jack, Rachel and Angela. As you get older, your relationship with your parents changes, as does your relationship with your friends’ parents, and it’s cool seeing that depicted on TV instead of having it just be kids vs. adults.

• Rider Strong has a great singing voice. It’s so cute!

The Bad:

• Angela really annoys me in this episode. I think it’s partially because she has the same expression throughout. Maybe that’s just her character, but I found it especially off-putting. She’s very monotone, and I think I only like her when she isn’t.

• Shawn is so frustrating! Get over Angela already, she’s not that great. To be honest, I never thought they were that good together. And in the previous episode, he told Angela he doesn’t want to be with her, but in this one, he desperately wants to be with her and can’t even sit up at the dinner table during his date because he misses Angela so much. What do you want, Shawn??

• “Cory, for the first time, I’ve realized how different we really are.” Not only is that a bad, cheesy line, it’s completely untrue.

• This is really shallow, but I hate the bows in Angela’s hair at the end. They look ridiculous.

The Ugly:

• Overall, I just can’t get on board with the Shawn-Angela thing. I know that that’s practically sacrilegious in the Boy Meets World universe, but I think they could have found a better match for Shawn. He needs someone stable, who will put up with his flightiness and who is strong-willed enough to deal with his problems. I don’t think Angela was strong enough for him – especially when you consider that we find out in the next season that her mother abandoned her when she was young. She has enough of her own issues to deal with; she can’t really help Shawn through his the way he needs.

• I know that he’s in love with her, and I can relate because I know what it’s like to be so in love with someone that it takes over you, but it bothers me how he does such a 360 from the last episode, where he wasn’t sure if he should be with Angela. Ahh. I don’t mind the “will-they-won’t-they” of sitcomery, but I really don’t like it when it goes back and forth every episode. (This was one of Gossip Girl’s biggest faults in the second season, but that’s beside the point.) Luckily, I think they give it a rest for a while after this episode.

Thoughts About the Episode:

• On the whole, pretty solid. It was great and refreshing to have a non-Cory/Topanga and non-Eric centred plot/side plot, like most episodes. Alan’s side plot was pretty interesting, but not one of their best – after all, how many of the preteens watching can relate to going through a mid-life crisis?

• I also like the point Shawn brings up: he’s afraid he’ll never have a relationship because he thinks he may be incapable of loving someone. This is a very real feeling and they did a great job capturing the issue.

Random Things About the Episode:


The title is an idiom meaning being separated from something that has become familiar and comfortable. The phrase fits both storylines in this episode. Shawn is having trouble cutting the cord on his relationship with Angela, and Amy and Alan, soon to have a baby, will literally cut the cord.

Thanks for the insight,! Alan could be cutting the cord from his hang-ups about what parenting should be. Or something.

Episode Grade: A-. Mostly filler, but still a great episode with lots of funny and touching moments.


As a bonus, I picked two. The first one is more on the delivery of the lines, so I urge you to go watch it for yourself, but it's still pretty funny:

Jack: So are you still getting the Harley? 'Cause I was thinking of borrowing it.
Alan: Sorry, Jack. You can borrow my station wagon.
Jack: (sarcastically) Yeah, that's great. Women are really gonna love that.

And, the winner for best quote of the episode goes to....

Eric: I'd do anything for [the baby] little Eric. Or, if it's a girl, Eric the Girl.

And that's all she wrote, folks! I hope you enjoyed recap #3. I'm going to try to do another recap soon, and also try to perhaps pick an episode from the earlier seasons. But I make no promises!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Top 5: Shows Cancelled Before Their Time

I can guarantee you won't agree with my list, since there are a couple of admittedly...suspect choices. But this is my blog, dammit, so I'll pick the shows I liked.

5. Odd Man Out, 1999-2000. It didn't make it one full season, so I can understand if you don't know what the hell show this is. Not to mention that it was a TGIF show. No, it wasn't the best show around. It was pretty cheesy with questionable acting. But you know what? It was actually pretty funny. I have an episode on tape somewhere, and it still makes me laugh. It wasn't particularly dignified, as far as shows go, but it was still enjoyable, and could have been semi-decent if given a chance.

4. What About Brian, April 2006-May 2007. I really enjoyed the fresh take of this show, which focused on the single Brian surrounded by his coupley friends. At the time I had a boyfriend, but I had had enough experience being in Brian's situation, so I could totally understand. The show was funny and bittersweet, with enjoyable characters and a good cast. Too bad it never really took off. Sorry, Brian.

3. Breaker High, 1997-1998. Like Odd Man Out, Breaker High isn't what I'd call the best of television. It was cheesy, unrealistic, inconsistent and had some pretty bad acting (not to mention cheap produciton values). But it was still enjoyable. I was the target audiences to producers were reaching out to, and I ate it up with a spoon. It was funny and sweet and fun with likeable characters and juicy enough love triangles to keep tuning in week after week. Plus, it launched th career of the sexy Ryan Gosling (aka Sean Hanlon, one of my childhood crushes), so it wasn't all bad! I was pretty heartbroken when I found out the show got the axe. The show wasn't particularly clever or ground-breaking, but I still loved it.

2. Pushing Daisies, 2007-2009. To this day, I still can't figure out what exactly went wrong. How and why this show got cancelled still remains a mystery. It was funny, fresh, sweet, clever, unique -take your pick. It was also a treat to look at. There were musical numbers, dammit! And unlike the other shows on my list thus far, it was respected by critics and has even won a few awards (including best supporting actress - congrats, Kristin Chenoweth!). It just goes to show you how desperate the networks get for a hit - since Pushing Daisies wasn't their biggest show, they gave it the axe. Pathetic, ABC. Luckily both seasons are on DVD, and the show now boasts something of a cult following, but that still won't bring it back. Le sigh.

1. Veronica Mars, 2004-2007. Ahh, V-Mars. One of my favourite shows, ever. So sassy, so sexy, so funny, so clever. Pretty much the greatest show of all time, I really don't have too much to say. Veronica was one of the most realistic and interesting female characters to grace the silver screen in a long time: she was smart and strong, but had definite flaws. And there's Logan. Sexy, sexy Logan. He started out as a loathesome jackass, but ended up a fan favourite. We got to see him transform into a man, who -yes - had a lot of flaws, but was loveable and vulnerable. Add them to a whole list of great characters, add in fantastic writing, great music and incredibly clever storylines and mysteries (almost too clever, as it took me a few viewings of a few episodes to really understand it. Maybe I'm just dumb...) and you've got Veronica Mars. Cancelled way before its time. I still miss Logan sometimes. (And by sometimes, I mean every day.)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Top 5: The Most Overrated People in Hollywood

Ta-da! Brand spankin' new post time. I've come up with three - yes, three - regular features I'll be adding to my blog, and this is one of them: Top 5. Not original, perhaps, but it's a fun way to kill some time. The very first T5 list got it...the celebrities who annoy me the most.

5. Zac Efron

Now, don't get me wrong. I don't hate him or have anything particularly against him. I even have some level of respect for him, as he seems to have a good head on his shoulders. Maybe because I'm not 14 anymore, but I just don't quite understand why he has so much hype surrounding him. He's cute-ish (though not my type) and moderately talented. I just don't get it. Maybe once he steps out of the Disney spotlight for good, then I'll understand it. All that being said, I wish him the best of luck in his career.

4. Jon & Kate Plus 8

I really, really can't stand the Gosselins. I think exploiting their children for money is absolutely disgusting, and I have no respect for either of them in the slightest. Jon seems like a douchebag, and Kate is no better. I can't imagine how difficult it must be to have 8 young children, but I really don't like how she's pretending to be doing it on her own. She has a lot of money and I'm guessing more than one nanny. Both Jon and Kate are, essentially, using their children to squeeze their precious and hopefully soon-to-be-over 15 minutes of fame dry. Kate claims to be "all about the children," but there is so much evidence to the contrary. Plus, she's such a witch. I've seen all of 2 episodes, maybe, of their show, but both times she acted so terribly to her kids. In one episode, Kate said something about the paparazzi, and one of her sons, quite reasonably, asked "What's a paparazzi?" and Kate went ballastic. She said, in a snarly, raised voice, "Don't ever say that word again!!" Um, Kate? I'm no parent, but I have worked with children before. I played by the rule of If I didn't want the kids to repeat a word I say, I don't say it in front of them. Plain and simple.

I serioulsy can't wait for people to stop caring about the Gosselins. I'm tired of hearing about what a douche Jon is and tired of Kate's whining (and terrible haircut. Sorry, Kate. but please. Whoever told you that looked good needs to get fired ASAP). I feel so sorry for their poor children. They seem really cute, but man, all I can think of is how much their therapists are going to make off of this family.

3. Robert Pattinson

Anyone who may be reading this blog probably won't be surprised by this choice. And no, it's not because I HATE Twilight with a fiery, burning passion. It's because again, I just don't see why every tweenage girl goes apeshit over R-Patz. I know, I know, they think he's Edward Cullen. But I fail to see how people find this guy genuinely attractive. Now, I don't think he's ugly at all. He's kinda good-looking, but there is the minor fact that he seems to be against bathing - or at the very least, washing his hair. And really, that's just nasty. I can't really comment on his acting, because I've only ever seen him in Twilight and Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. By the way, world, he was so much better in the latter. I feel really sorry for him, actually, because I doubt he had any idea how huge the Twilight craze is. Not only does he have insane girls of all ages doing anything they can to look at him, but he has to play one of the weakest, wimpiest and overall most terrible characters ever created. Poor thing. I hope he hasn't killed his career by taking on this project, for his sake. That said, I'm so tired of hearing about him and seeing his face on every piece of Twilight merchandise imagineable. (Like this. Fuck, that must be terrifying when you're trying to pee. And can you imagine coming into the bathroom in the middle of the night and find that staring you in the face? I wouldn't be able to get back to sleep, but maybe that's just me.)

2. Taylor Swift

Okay, I feel like some sort of monster for ragging on this girl. I mean, she's cute (in a unique way), she's classy, she writes age-appropriate songs and her music is pretty catchy. So what's not to like? Well, maybe it's because I'm not a fan of country music (or "country," as Taylor Swift isn't really country. She's Shania Twain/Carrie Underwood country). Or maybe it's because her songs all kind of sound the same. Or maybe because her songs all seem to be about her being some wretched outcast in love with some amazing guy, and if only he would see how awesome she is! See, totally age-appropriate, which I can't stress enough how much of a nice breath of fresh air that is. She knows how to play to her audience, that's for sure, because I think most girls go through that experience at least once at some point of their lives. But there's just some that feels a little dishonest about it. I have a hard time believing that Taylor has been in that position. She dated a Jonas brother, for crying out loud! She's certainly likeable, and I have a lot of respect for her. I just don't think her music is that good.

And the most overrated person in Hollywood is....

1. Lady Gaga

I don't even know where to begin, but I'll try. First off, her music. Her songs are really fun and I have a great time dancing to them at clubs. I'll give her that. But like T-Swizzle, Lady Gaga's songs start to sound the same after a while. The chours of her latest single, Bad Romance, sounds like a combination of Just Dance and Poker Face, and the song itself isn't that good. Like a lot of her songs, it's just a catchy chorus with a lot of nonsensical words thrown in here and there to make it seem like the song is edgy and different ("Roma-roma-ma! Gaga-ooh-la-la!" What the fuck does that even mean?). Most of her songs just don't make sense, period.

Then there's the character of Lady Gaga herself. I really, really don't have respect for people who are so depserate for attention that they do anything to do it. Lady Gaga isn't much better than any of those reality show whores who, er, whore themselves around just so people will look at them. The only difference is that Lady Gaga has an actual, marketable skill (well, talent. She's a decent singer, much to my surprise). The way she dresses screams "LOOK AT ME! SOMEBODY LOOK AT ME PLEASE!!!" but people cut her some slack because she dresses like a freak instead of a cheap hooker. (Well, during her "I'm too good to wear pants/skirts" phase, she looked like both.)

And finally, there's the fact that she's over-satiated the music charts. People think she's the next Madonna or will have some sort of legendary career. Maybe she will, but what many haven't considered is that ever since Just Dance hit it big, she's never gone away. Having a bunch of hit singles doesn't automatically mean you're going to be huge for the rest of your career - especially when they've all been released within about a year. She's striking while the iron's hot, and I won't fault her for that. If she's able to stand the test of time, more power to her, but calling her the next Madonna is premature.

And there you have it! Hope you enjoyed my first Top 5. I had fun doing it!

Thursday, October 22, 2009


So. It’s been a while since I updated this thing. For good reason, too. I won’t get into much detail, but in the last month I’ve undergone a LOT of changes in my personal life – a big move, a break-up, and as you all know, the death of my beloved 20-year-old cat, Clara. Needless to say, I’ve been busy.

I thought it was time to get back to it, though. I’ve had my reservations, since it’s hard to post again after detailing the heartbreaking death of your family pet. It seemed wrong to update with something frivolous. So for now, all I’m doing is a housekeeping update, which seems like a fair compromise. (Level of frivolity in this post is up for debate.)

I have an idea for a new feature of my blog, which I’ll get to. Stay tuned, because it’s going to be fun! Look for that soon.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

My baby

Yesterday evening, I received a phone call from my father, saying that my cat Clara had passed away earlier that afternoon. Though not entirely unexpected, it was still a bit of a surprise.

I've had Clara for about 19 years - ever since I was just 5 years old. I'm 24. There are few memories I have that take place before getting her. She's always been there, for as long as I can remember.

Clara's death, as I mentioned, wasn't a huge shock. It was, of course, to an extent. But in the end, she wasn't doing well. She's had feline diabetes for several years now. She was completely deaf and had been for the last couple of years. Her eye sight seemed to be starting to go as well. The last time I saw her, she was fairly unsteady on her feet. I had a horrible inkling the last time I was home it would be the last time I'd see her. Unfortunately, I was right.

My parents had the vet come to our house, which is a relief to know, since car rides of any length have always stressed Clara out. The vet gave her an injection, and my mom held her the whole time. My dad told me that it was very peaceful, and that she didn't flinch as the vet gave the injection. She just snuggled into my mom's arms, and then she was gone.

I miss her. I'm always going to miss her. She was my baby, my Clara. I can't imagine ever having a cat anything like her. She's the best. I love her so much. I'm not glad she's gone, of course, but I'm so relieved she's not in any pain or suffering to any degree anymore. I always said it, but never really felt it 100% until the last time I saw her, and then I knew. I never wanted to keep her alive for my own sake, but I hated the thought of losing her. I still do. I want more than anything for her to be with us and be healthy again. But this new alternative isn't as terrible as I thought. Of course I'd rather she be with us, no question about it. But knowing she's free of pain, of suffering or struggles, that's not the worst thing in the world. Sometimes it feels like it is, but I know that given the circumstances, it's the best thing for her.

So rest in peace, my Clarey. I love you.
my baby
Clara Belle, 1990-2009

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Take the leap

For the past month or so, I’ve become completely addicted to How I Met Your Mother. I was unemployed and bored, and having already seen a couple of random season three episodes, I decided to back it up and start from the beginning. I was instantly hooked.

One thing that really kept me going was the Barney-Robin pairing. I knew they hooked up, since one of the random episodes I saw was the one where they sleep together. I instantly fell in love with the pairing (NPH was a big factor in that, I must say). Watching Barney fall and then pine for Robin was fun and full of squee! moments.

And then I saw The Leap, the season four finale.

I have to admit, with some degree of embarassment, that I haven’t been that moved by a sitcom in, well, ages. I watch a lot of tear-jerking dramas (Grey’s Anatomy comes to the episode with Dr. Bailey holding a six year old girl as she is dying and her father can’t stand to watch it happen...hoo boy!), so heart-wrenching and awe-inspiring scenes are something I come by often. But that last scene, with the gang jumping across the gap to the next door’s rooftop...I can’t explain it, but I was profoundly moved by it.

I loved the way Barney immediately made the leap after Robin did, after making sure she was all right. And the look that they shared before he jumped? I’m completely in love with them. (Like I wasn’t before!) I honestly haven’t been this excited for a new couple in a long, long time.
The Barney-Robin moment was fantastic, but the rest of scene was pretty incredible, too. The song, Prophets, has been downloaded and played on my computer 45 times - and I downloaded it less than a month ago – really added to the moment. And Ted reflecting on his year, and ending the episode with the suggestion that meeting The Mother isn’t that far off anymore? Genius. I really can’t wait for the season premiere – well for the entire season, actually.

And can I just say that I think Bob Saget is the unsung hero of the series? I love that he’s the narrator. He has a very soothing voice that fits quite well with Josh Radnor’s. Maybe this is just me being a Full House fan, but I think it’s high time Bob gets some kudos. Snaps for Bob!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

It's all right 'cause I'm saved by the bell

In honour of the cast of Saved By The Bell reuniting for the cover of People magazine, I decided to post a link to one of the funniest sites ever created:

SBTB Quote of the Day!

Funnily enough, I didn't realize that Dustin Diamond wasn't on the cover until Perez Hilton pointed it out. I never really liked Screech, and watching the reruns as an adult, I really don't like Screech. Plus, the guy is lame - scamming his fans out of money to "save his house" (which, yes, has been confirmed to be nothing more than a scam) and releasing his porn tape. Next on the docket, he's going to release a tell-all from his SBTB days. Mark-Paul Gosselaar thinks it's pretty funny, since the cast was pretty innocent back in the day.

Dustin Diamond, you're a loser.

But anyway, enjoy the quotes of the day. They're hysterical!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Good-bye to George

Well, it's official. T.R. Knight has gotten out of his Grey's contract and will not be returning to the show in the fall. Even to the point of a farewell episode - Knight refused to come back to a farewell George, George-centric episode.

I'm not sure how I feel about this.

On the one hand, I can see why he wanted off the show. To begin, he was barely in this past season. A fan favourite, a celebrated actor - practically non-existant. And allegedly, when IsaiahGate happened, show creator Shonda Rhimes tried to get Knight to keep his homosexuality hidden or at least private. If this is true, I can see why Knight left.

On the other hand, I think Knight needs to man up and bid his character farewell. George was one of the greatest characters on the show, and this would have been a fantastic way for him, and the fans, to say good-bye to George the hero, and not George 007. (Apparently the episode would have shown the moment George got hit by a bus, which would have been way too much to see.) I really wish he would agree to this.

Grey's Anatomy won't be the same without George. Watching reruns now, it seems impossible to conceive the notion that George will no longer be around.

We'll miss you, George.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Some girls were just meant to smile (Or, Video of the Week # 12)

I think I've posted this already, but it got taken down. So here it is again, and watch it relentlessly lest it get removed from YouTube.

I will never not love this song. Admittedly I don't like the way she says "smile" - I prefer the softer, lighter way she sings it in the recorded version. But this song is still golden, as is Laura Bell Bundy. Love!!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Movie Review: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

I’m a Potterhead. I admit it. Originally, I wrote the books off as an over-rated kid fad, but it just goes to show that sometimes, you have to eat your own words. Curiosity won out as the first movie came out, and when I rented it on DVD, I had to admit: okay, this is pretty cool.

I quickly got into the books after that, and began to eagerly anticipate the second movie. Since then, I’ve read all the books and seen the movies multiple times. I own every book, including the three “supplemental” books, and have all of the movies on DVD.

Given this brief history, you can imagine how much I anticipated the release of the Half-Blood Prince movie. It’s one of my favourite books in the series – probably second overall. And considering the movie’s release got pushed back several months (November to July, which is almost cruel), I’ve been increasingly anxious as the Big Day got closer.

My friends and I promised to see it together, and since we all work and live in different cities, the only day we could see it was Saturday. The movie came out on Wednesday, so you can bet I was going a little crazy between 12:01 a.m. Wednesday and Saturday evening, when we finally saw it. In between that time, I came across reviews of the film. The general consensus is that while it was good, it was rushed and a lot got cut out (so, pretty much the same as every single movie in the series). Some even went so far as to call it disappointing.

Now that I’ve finally seen it, I have to say this: I couldn’t disagree more.

Yes, a lot was cut out from the book, but the book is 607 pages long. Not every little detail is going to be included, nor should they be. A few major things, such as the Death Eater fight scene, were taken out, but I don’t have a problem with this. Other things were added in, like the invasion of The Burrow, that weren’t in the books and/or didn’t necessarily need to be included. Again, I don’t have issue with this. The heart and soul of the book remains, and that is what is most important.

The good things about the movie: From the techincal standpoint, I loved the cinematography. Absolutely beautiful. Great editing, good flow.

Acting-wise, we saw some great performances. For the first time, I really enjoyed Michael Gambon as Dumbledore. I feel that his portrayal of one of the best characters in the series wasn’t quite up to par. Yes, he is a good actor, but his Dumbledore just isn’t Dumbledore. In this film, we finally see his sense of humour and whimsy that is present in the books but absent from the films. I was very pleased about this.

Alan Rickman was at his best as Snape. He’s always nailed the character spot-on, but Rickman had considerably more screen time in this movie. He steals the show in most of his scenes.

Tom Felton had a bigger role this time around as well, and I felt he did a great job. The audience needed to be suspicious of Draco at first, but sympathize with him by the end. Felton accomplished this, and then some.

Daniel Radcliffe’s acting has improved once again. He got to do more comedic scenes and he really came through. He also was fantastic in the emotional scenes, especially at the climax. You can tell he’s more comfortable as an actor. Way to go, Dan!

Emma Watson is the only actor that I can’t get behind. Not to be rude, but she is easily the weakest point of the movies and the worst actor of the trio, if not the complete cast (I don’t count throw-away characters who have, like, one line or something). A lot of her lines are often forced, and at times, you can see her mind working. For instance, in Order of the Phoenix, you can see her try to work through the scene at the Hog’s Head. You don’t see Hermione, you see Emma Watson trying to be Hermione. Plus, she has this horrible habit of acting with her eyebrows. In a particularly dramatic or emotional scene, watch her eyebrows dance! I will say this: in Half-Blood Prince, her eyebrow acting isn’t anywhere near as bad as it has been. She’s still my least favourite actor out of everyone, but she has improved.

There were some grea things about the movie that I want to mention. The climax of the movie was just remarkable – it had me crying! They handled it, and the ending, very well. Steve Kloves returned as the script writer, and it was clear as day. A lot of the dialouge was lifted word for word from the book, which impressed me. We got to see Harry and Ginny’s relationship develop, unlike in the novels. The love potion part of the film was funny and very well done, and I really enjoyed the level of comedy throughout the entire movie. I also have to mention that visually, the film is gorgeous. The scenery around Hogwarts is breath-taking.

The wasn’t really anything I heartily disliked about the movie. If I could change one thing, it would be to include more scenes involving the exploration of Voldemort’s past. One reason why the book is so memorable for me is seeing how Tom Riddle evolved (or devolved, depending on how you look at it) into Lord Voldemort. It is something of a shame we only get two “memories” in the book. However, the film works without it and doesn’t really suffer from having excluded it.
Just one more thing to note before I give the film its grade: fans of Harry Potter, please stop obsessing over every little detail. There’s no need to nitpick. And please stop complaining about things getting cut, because it’s annoying. The filmmakers can only give us so much, and they’ve done a great job with it. They can’t cater to every single fan out there. Learn to differeniate and appreciate the books and movies as related but seperate from one another. You’ll really enjoy the movies a lot more if you stop comparing it to the books, I promise. If you want the exact story from the book, then read the book.

Overall, this movie was well worth the wait. It was easily the best film in the franchise to date, and just a damn good movie in its own right.

Movie Grade: A+

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Look at this stuff, isn't it neat? (Or, Video of the Week # 11)

Another B'Way treat for y'all:

The costume is a little distracting, but this song is legendary and Sierra Boggess is incredibly, amazingly talented. She's going to be Christine in the Phantom sequel (barf). As much as I protest that show, she will be great in it!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Mad Libs, volume 1

A hilarious Mad Lib I just completed:

Every summer, people head to Lake[my name] near Funland. There are so many things to do at the lake. Lots of people snorkel, hoping to catch a glimpse of the circular fire ants that live in the lake.

On Saturdays, people have swimming relay races. Each team has 35 members. Swimmers carry popcorn kernels that are passed from one team member to the next. The winning team is awarded bar stools and vaseline. Lots of people come to watch the races. They cheer on teams by shouting, “HOLY SHIT ON A STICK!!”

After the races, people paddle their tents around the lake. Then everyone comes back to shore for a picnic of popcorn sandwiches and haggis sundaes. Someone usually plays the monkey while people eat.

People are sad when the summer ends. But everyone looks forward to the next summer at Lake [my name] when they can snorkel above the circular fire ants, swim for prizes of bar stools and vaseline, and paddle their tents.

I enjoy this because it's so ridiculous, yet not completely unplausible. There's something slightly vulgar about winning bar stools with vaseline, but I'm not exactly sure what.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Do you ever get tired of people making jokes about your wand?

I cane across this hilarious video of Dan Radcliffe and Rupert Grint (Harry Potter and Ron Weasley, duh) being interviewed for their new movie. Since I'm sooooo excited!!!!! about the movie, I thought I would post it here and let the (unofficial) countdown to HBP begin!

I love that the Unforgiveable Curses book is actually the Yellow Pages. Hah!

ETA: I don't know why the video is too big for the blog, sorry about that.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Twilight is...

Some lulz-y screencaps. Yes, they're real - try it yourself!

twilight is

1. Ha. With the exception of a few (is aweome, is better than Harry Potter), this pretty much says it all.

stephenie meyer is

2. I love how SMeyer's poor writing skills show up on this list no less than three times. Also, I keep reading "Mormon" as "moron." But really, Stephenie Meyer is hot? Seriously? She's not ugly, but...yeah, not hot.

kristen stewart is

3. Weird, a horrible actress, annoying and an idiot. That's kind of how I feel about her. Except for perhaps the latter. She certainly presents herself as an idiot in interviews and in the press and whatnot, but she says she's just awkward, so I'll give her the benefit of the doubt, since I'm in a generous mood today. The on drugs thing is funny, because she was photographed smoking pot during the filming of Twilight. I find that hilarious, and what's even funnier was people's reactions. Duhhhh, people smoke weed. It's not the end of the world, people. And lastly, people think she's pregnant? I don't know why, but that makes me laugh way too much.

robert pattinson is

4. I feel guilty about this one, since I actually like R-Patz. I'm not all OMG HE'S SOOOOOOOO HOT!!!!!!1! about him. I just think he's a poor soul who got sucked into all this Twilight crap. Though, I have to say, I agree about the dirty boy thing - he doesn't seem to have a grasp on basic hygeine, which is a little concerning. But people want to know if he's a virgin? Hahahahahhaahahaahahaha. Hahahahahaha. Hahaha. Ha. That's priceless.

Hope you enjoyed these as much as I did!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

A Black Day in Pop Culture

Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett have died today, as I'm sure you have heard by now. And I'm in shock. I was following Farrah's tragic battle with cancer, and was saddened but not surprised to hear of her passing. My heart goes out to her friends and family watching a loved one go through something like that is one of the worst things that can happen to a person. She was a legend and she will be missed.

Michael Jackson's death came as huge shock to me, like everyone else. It's so strange to think that this man, who changed the face of music and revolutionized the art of music videos, is gone. Admittedly, I was never a huge MJ fan, but when I think of his songs I know, I like them all. I particularly like The Way You Make Me Feel. Thriller is probably the most influential music video - I know that my own heartthrobs, the Backstreet Boys, emulated the epic dance with their own Backstreet's Back. He truly was the King of Pop. There is no one that comes close to what he has achieved and what he has inspired in others. He, too, was and legend and will be missed.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Did you just kick my door? (Or, Video of the Week #9)

Sorry it's been so long since a VotW update. But this is really funny, so I hope that it makes up for it.


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Dear Stephenie Meyer...

This is something I have been meaning to blog about for a while, so I hope I do it justice.

I don’t really respect Stephenie Meyer as a person. After all, Twilight came out of her brain, so that automatically kills any respect I might have had for her. When Midnight Sun – Twilight told from Edward’s perspective – was leaked onto the internet before it was done, Steph threw a shitfit and posted this message on her official website The gist of it is that she is devastated by what happened, she is putting off Midnight Sun “indefinitely” and that this is pretty much the greatest injustice ever in the complete history of all time. Screw slave labour, forget about Nazi concentration camps. No, Midnight Sun leaking onto the internet is clearly the worst thing that has ever happened, ever.

Okay, all sarcastic comments aside, a part of me feels badly for her. I’m sure it must suck to have your work leak out into public domain, especially before its completion. According to her, it was full of spelling and grammar mistakes that she needed to send to the editor which never seemed to bother her before, given that all four of the other Twilight books are full of spelling and grammar mistakes . I can understand being annoyed and even sad over it. But hey, Stephenie Meyer? Few things:

1. MIDNIGHT SUN IS NOT A NEW STORY! It’s the exact same story that your fans know word by word. It’s just told by a different character. The outcome will be exactly the same, no matter who tells it. So stop acting like a surprise has been ruined.

2. You suck hardcore for putting the book on the back burner “indefinitely.” For someone who claims to love her fans, you really don’t seem to care what they want.

3. Have some class and stop acting like a whiny, spoiled child. The leak happened, it sucks. DEAL WITH IT. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was leaked in its entirety before the book was published. Did J.K. Rowling cry and stamp her feet and pull the books from the printers? No. She simply asked that those who had read the copies of the leaked book to respect those who hadn’t by not telling them what happens. Jo oozes class and maturity. Take a page out of her book, Steph.

4. Also, unrelated to the leak, but here it is: stop hiding behind your brother. He runs her website and says there’s no way to contact Stephenie Meyer since she’s “so busy.” Yeah, I’m sure, but the hell? There’s NO WAY for her fans to contact her? That’s unbelievably stupid and small-minded. Also, the letters that do reach her (I’m sure via the publishers) are screened by Seth (her bro) and all the mean, nasty, critical letters are “seen to.” (My choice of words.) Only the good ones make it to her. As someone who wants to be seen as a professional, that is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. Especially for someone who desperately needs constructive criticism.

Going back to the leak, though, I have my suspicions. The leak happened in August of 2008, not long before the movie was about to be released and only weeks after Breaking Dawn came out, mostly to negative reviews. It’s awfully coincidental that she’s putting Midnight Sun on hold “indefinitely” since there wasn’t the best hype for her last book. Why put out Midnight Sun now, when she could wait a few more years – maybe before the last movie comes out – before the buzz begins to die down? I predict she’ll announce her triumphant return to, or even the publication of, Midnight Sun before the last movie comes out on DVD (to boost sales of said DVD). I know that these things are always about money, so it doesn’t surprise me. But it’s very lame of her to take advantage of the leak, especially because she totally guilt-tripped her fans about reading it. I don’t have proof, of course, but it’s just a feeling I have.

In conclusion, Stephenie Meyer, you’re lame. If I ever met you, for whatever reason there could be, I would say two words:

Epic. Fail.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Mad Libs!

As a prezzie for not updating in like FOREVER, I give you this:


From "The Wandering Wooly Mammoth":

"Many, many years ago there lived a woolly mammoth named Johnny Table. This
woolly mammoth was not like the other mammoths. He didn't want to hunt light
switches. Even though he had a really glittery, vain coat of hair, he hated the
cold. He dreamed of living in warmer places.

One day, his dream came true. He thought he took a short winter's nap,
but when he awoke, almost all the ice around him was gone, and he was surrounded
by grass and garden gnomes. He had hibernated for 4564654564 years!

Johnny Table decided to go explore his new neighborhood. Where his cave
used to be, now there was a(n) 231313151020251560246-story building with verbose
windows and moody doors!
He tried to get inside, but the doorman wouldn't
let him in, saying, “No cockroaches allowed!”
He didn't know what
cockroaches were, but he knew he was afraid of them.

Feeling a bit confused, he wandered around until he saw a sign that
said “Zoo.” It smelled like his friends, so he decided to weep in. He found a
section called sea otters, and they seemed to be very friendly animals, so he
made himself right at home. The zookeepers discovered him, and they were happy
to see him. They brought him big buckets of rutabagas, onions, and zuchinis. He
finally felt at home!"

Ahaha, I love Mad Libs.

Look for a VotW coming in a day or two!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Season Finale Report Card

Season finales serve a purpose - to provide you with a hook that will get you to watch the next season. They also exist to complete certain storylines and to begin others. Generally speaking, season finales are big episodes - secrets are revealed, mysteries are solved, that couple you really want to get together finally gets together - or they break up. And usually, there will be some cliffhanger - that hook to get you to continue watching.

How did some of the year's most popular and successful shows fare? I'm giving Gossip Girl, Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy a report card. Let's see how they measure up.

1. Gossip Girl

Episode Overview: The gang graduates from high school. At the ceremony, Gossip Girl sends out one last blast, targeting Nate, Serena, Blair, Chuck and Dan. Serena swears revenge but when she tries to out GG, GG takes another hit and announces she'll be following them throughout college. Meanwhile, Rufus and Lily get engaged, Blair and Chuck get together, Jenny is designated as next year's Queen Bee, Georgina manipulates her way into becoming Blair's roommate at NYU, Nate and Vanessa decide to go backpacking through Europe, Lily and Rufus's son meets Dan and Serena finds out where her father has been living all this time.

Level of Predicitability: 2.5/5. A lot of things were somewhat surprising, but I could smell the Blair and Chuck reunion a mile away. Plus, I knew GG would never be revealed and I figured Georgina would be back in the picture. Again.

Shock Factor (out of five): This and LoP go hand in hand, but are also seperate. 1.5/5. True, there were a lot of things I didn't see coming, but pretty much all of the surprises were incredibly contrived and came out of nowhere. You'd think that this would be a good thing, but all of the "shocking moments" felt ridiculous. Like the whole Serena's dad thing - if there had been any build-up in any episode, ever, this might have been interesting. But as it stands, it just felt like the writers were scrambling to come up with a cliffie and that was the best they could come up with.

Hanging by the seat of your pants level (out of five): 0/5. There were no intense or dramatic moments to be seen.

Emotional Punches? Not really. I knew Blair would tell Chuck she loved him and that he would reject her. Again.

Writing better than average for this episode? No. It wasn't any worse, though.

Re-Watch Value (out of five): 3/5. It's not an episode I'd skip over if watching the entire season, but I don't want to immediately go back and watch it again.

Amount of build-up for next season? Some. I like the show, obviously, and of course I look forward to the next season, but I don't have the feeling of "oh my god, I can't wait for September to get here!"

Instant Classic Moments? For me, none. Chuck telling Blair he loves her will be a big moment for a lot of people, but personally, I don't like them together. Or rather, I don't care for them all that much. Plus I'm sure they'll break up and get back together in the near future, so...yeah.

General impression of the episode: It wasn't bad, but it could've been placed at any point of the season. In other words, there was nothing that really seperated it from your average episode - and to be honest, there were other episodes that were better than this one.

Episode grade: C

Additional comments: A big disappointment, actually. This whole season has been a mess of storylines that GG's blast against Blair - revealing she'd slept with Jack - was something I'd forgotten had happened. As a result, its reveal didn't have the impact that I'm sure the writers were hoping for (that coupled with the fact that I knew Chuck and Blair would get back together). I really hope the writers can get it together next year.

2. Desperate Housewives

Episode Overview:
*Gabby and Carlos's teenage niece moves in and is the younger version of Gabby herself.
*Bree wants to divorce Orson, but finds herself in Karl's arms.
*Lynette discovers she's pregnant with twins.
*Susan and MJ are taken by Dave into the woods. Susan discovers that Dave is really David Dash, and he tries to kill them. His plan is foiled when Mike offers to let Dave kill him instead. Dave plots to get Mike to smash into Dave's car and kill MJ, but Dave can't stop picturing his daughter in MJ's place, and lets MJ out of the car. Mike hits Dave, but the impact isn't fatal. Dave is in a mental facility. Mike and Susan kiss.
*Katherine and Mike plan to marry, but Mike sees Dave's video confession before they leave. He leaves Katherine at the airport to save Susan and MJ's lives and she is unaware why he left.
*Mike is seen at the end of the episode marrying a woman whose identity is not revealed.

Level of predicitability (out of five): 2.5/5. I saw the Bree/Karl thing coming, I knew Mike and Susan would kiss/reunite, and I knew that Mike would come save the day. I did not, however, see the Lynette pregnancy coming at all, and I didn't know exactly how the Dave thing would play out.

Shock factor (out of five): 3/5. The pregnancy (twins!) was surprising, and I didn't know how Bree would react to Karl.

Hanging by the seat of your pants level (out of five): 3.5/5. I knew that the Dave situation would work out favourably, but I wasn't sure how it would go down exactly.

Emotional Punches? Yes, some. I felt bad for Susan when she was trying to save herself and MJ, and you know what? I felt pretty darn bad for Dave by the end. The poor guy. It's not excuse for what he's done, but the guy really did lose everything.

Writing better than average for this episode? Not really, but the writing is always pretty solid.

Re-watch Value (out of five): 3/5. Not one of my favourite finales from the show, but it was a good watch.

Amount of build-up for the next season? Some, but not as much as in the past. We usually get a big cliffhanger, or a clue about the next mystery, but not so much in this episode. Though I'm really looking forward to the Bree-Karl storyline, and I want to know who Mike married!

General impressions of the episode? Above average, but also disappointing. On its own, it's a great episode, but it was a bit of a let-down. The show took a different direction this season in that there wasn't much of a mystery. We knew early on that Dave was out to get revenge - it was a matter of time and wondering how it would go down. As a result, there was no big twist or big reveal like there usually is. I was hoping that we'd get a last-minute twist, but that's not the case. The season was slightly disappointing in that sense, but I guess that's because I still think that my original prediction was awesome: Dave was George Williams's brother coming back to get revenge on Bree. But, no. Have it your way, Marc Cherry.

Episode grade: B. Entertaining, if not what I was expecting.

Additional comments: I totally thought Felicia Tillman was the nurse at the very end. That woman needs to come back to Wisteria Lane, ASAP.

3. Grey's Anatomy

Episode overview:
Derek realizes he can operate on Izzie's tumor, but the surgery may cause her to lose her memories, so she must choose between getting the surgery or hoping for the best. She eventually decides to get the surgery, but signs a DNR, against Alex's wishes. The doctors meet an army kid who inspires George to become a trauma doc over in Iraq. The next day, Izzie wakes up from surgery only to discover that her short-term memory is gone. The crew is shocked and upset when they find out that George is leaving them and decide to stage an intervention to get him to stay. They are distracted when a John Doe comes into to ER, suffering from massive injuries after being hit by a bus in order to save a stranger's life from the same fate. Derek and Meredith sort-of get married, and Bailey elects to stay in general surgery despite getting into the peds program. She decides to leave her husband because he gave her an ultimatum: choose general surgery or he'll leave her. She tells the chief that she left him because of this, and she's only doing general because it will give her more time to be a single mom. Cristina and Owen share a steamy kiss and realize they love each other too much to stay apart. Mark asks Lexie to move in, but she isn't ready, so he decides to buy a house without her. Their relationship may be in jeopardy. Later, Izzie's memory comes back, but as she and Alex start celebrating, she passes out and flatlines. Alex, Cristina, Bailey and the chief try to save her, despite her DNR. At the same time, Meredith realizes that the John Doe is actually George, and as he is rushed into surgery, he flatlines as well. We see a fantasy/alternate reality (heaven, maybe?) that mirrored a scene in the season premiere, with Izzie on an elevator wearing her season two prom dress. The elevator door opens, and there is George in his uniform. They share a smile, but both look a little uncertain. Back on earth, both teams of doctors scramble to save Izzie and George. The episode ends with both of them still flatlining.

Level of predicitability (out of five): 1/5, but only because of media reports of rumours surrounding the show. I figured Cristina and Owen would reunite, but we don't know if they actually do. Everything else - I had no idea it was coming.

Shock factor (out of five): 5/5. Holy. Effing. Eff. The ending was...I just...I...there are no words.

Hanging by the seat of your pants level (out of five): 5/5. The entire episode was a nail-biter.

Emotional punches? Hell yes. I pretty much spent the entire episode in tears, except for the end when I was screaming my head off in a horrified kind of way.

Writing better than average for this episode? I think so. Grey's is pretty consistent in their writing, but this episode was a little better than others. It was just "more" - more dramatic, more emotional, more suspenseful. They really kicked it up a notch.

Re-watch value (out of five): 5/5. One of those episodes you want to watch again, mostly for the John Doe/George twist to see the clues you missed the first time around.

Amount of build-up for next season? Maximum. Uh, hello, two of the main (and most beloved) characters' lives are in danger! Of course people are going to tune in.

Instant classic moments? Yup! The Mer-Der "wedding" with Post-It notes was cute, Izzie and Alex saying a possible good-bye before her surgery - and of course, the last five minutes. The John Doe/George big twist reveal will go down in Grey's history.

General impressions of the episode? Frigging amazing.

Episode grade: A+

Additional comments: Probably the best season finale they've done, even beating out the dead Denny finale (which I thought would never happen). This episode will completely change the history and course of the show. And quite honestly, it's what finales should be. Plus, incredible acting all around.

So, there you have it. Gossip Girl and Desperate Housewives may have been a bit of a disappointment, but Grey's Anatomy surpassed everyone's expectations. To all the people who said Grey's has jumped the shark: dream on.